I sent this to a couple of folks yesterday after my annual physical, and a few urged me to post it here.

Boys, I don't try to tell people what to do, but I thought I'd share this. A couple guys on here know my family history of heart problems so I'll just say it's bad. 2.5 years ago, at age 33, my Cholesterol was high as hell and my doctor tried to put me on Lipitor. My triglycerides were also ridiculous. After two months of Lipitor I felt like shit and ached all over. I told her to give me a year to take care of it on my own. To say she was opposed to managing cholesterol with animal fat would be an understatement. She insisted that I have blood work after 6 months. After 6 months of Paleo and no drugs she was shocked at my improvement. After the next 6 months she put her husband on Paleo. Now, 2.5 years later, I have gained 10 pounds, single digit body fat, total cholesterol down 78 points, good cholesterol UP 21 points and triglycerides ridiculously low. I may drop dead tomorrow, but she can't believe my progress. I still drink as much beer as ever. If y'all have bad numbers, it's worth a shot. I have never done it with any regard for my weight I just don't care to die at 50.

For the excuse makers, during this time we had a child, so it isn't like I'm over run with time. I travel every day for work so I eat out a lot. I entertain clients and have to eat a lot of dinners where it's hard to behave. I don't shy away from beer/liquor/wine.

Yes I do crossfit 3-5 days per week and yes that makes a difference, and I know that's not for everyone. The point is that it's not fair to your parents/wife/children/friends to have these issues and not at least start working on them.

Paleo requires making some changes, and don't shy away because you can't follow it to the letter. I certainly don't. If you could do anything, get off of sugar, sugar subs, soft drinks. It will suck for two weeks, but you will realize how addicted your body is to that shit. After several months, sweet things will be obnoxiously sweet to you. It's amazing. Them try to cut out grains and start making smarter choices with the oils you use. I don't do as well as I could but any change is better.

Please understand that this is going to make your wiener bigger, so if you are one of those guys who have always been told by women that their wiener is too big for sex, Lipitor may be for you.