First things first. No, I do not want to Google this and have to sort through that. No, I am not thinking about joining a CrossFit gym and am worried about any risks. No, I will not use any information gathered here to deter anyone in any way from doing CrossFit(I could care less). Yes I could benefit from CrossFit and all that goes with it, but I'm not doing that right now so save all that talk too. No, any information gathered here will not sway me one way or the other from doing or not doing CrossFit anytime in the future. Now on to my question.

You guys that have been around CrossFit for a while, I really want to know how many injuries you have seen that are directly related to it. Also, what those injuries usually are. Include if you want, age, body type, fitness level(ie:if said injury was caused because someone was doing something they werent ready for) or anything else you feel may be pertinent. At the same time, if you have seen few to no injuries, I want to know why you think that is. I'm sincerely just curious. Discuss.