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Thread: Upstate rut?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    'Down in the Holler', SC


    What's with rut in the upstate? We've found rubs in various places where we know a couple of nice bucks hang out, but have found a total of two scrapes and neither are active. Also haven't been getting any response to estrus bleats, grunts or occasional rattling.

    The only thing we've seen other than does and fawns was a small spike a few weeks ago. We've passed on all of them for various reasons.

    The only bucks taken within about a 1/2 mile of here that we know of are a small 4 pt, a 5 pt, and 2 6 pointers. We know there is a 10 pt, and at least 3-4 8's in the immediate area, but you'd sure never think they were horny.

    Haven't they hit the full rut yet up this way?
    Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue
    "Keep your powder dry, Boys!"
    ~ George Washington

    "If I understood everything I said I'd be a genius." ~ 'Unknown'

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Don't know about the buck to doe ratio in your area but it could be over if so the scrapes will open back up.Lot of time they(scrapes) close up during peak rut then reopen as bucks try to find the last few does in heat. Also moon is bright right now and from the reports around here they are moving in the middle of the day.
    80-20 Genaration

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    A bigger hill above a smaller creek


    I was in the woods in the upstate 4 days last week and saw active scrapes everywhere.

    Saw plenty of deer between 9 am and 2 pm.
    A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    I would venture a guess that you are in the third phase of the rut. Not many does left coming in, but the bucks are traveling further to look.

    You got about 4 days left and it's over.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    'Down in the Holler', SC


    Because of the moon phase and weather change this past week, I sat from 10:30 'till 4 last Friday. Didn't even see a doe in an area where I almost always see something.

    Whatever rut we had in this area, it sure wasn't a very active one. In about a 100 acre area several of us hunt out back we've been surprised at how few rubs there have been. Same thing with the guys hunting a couple hundred acre area about a mile from here.

    Next year we'll have to get some trail cams to see what's really going on.
    Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue
    "Keep your powder dry, Boys!"
    ~ George Washington

    "If I understood everything I said I'd be a genius." ~ 'Unknown'

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    united states of america


    yeah the moon....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    'Down in the Holler', SC


    Originally posted by Sportin' Woodies:
    yeah the moon....
    You've always got such interesting things to add to any discussion. Don't you ever get tired of being such an asshole?
    Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue
    "Keep your powder dry, Boys!"
    ~ George Washington

    "If I understood everything I said I'd be a genius." ~ 'Unknown'

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    'Down in the Holler', SC


    Originally posted by Duckman#1:
    Don't know about the buck to doe ratio in your area but it could be over if so the scrapes will open back up.Lot of time they(scrapes) close up during peak rut then reopen as bucks try to find the last few does in heat. Also moon is bright right now and from the reports around here they are moving in the middle of the day.
    I was talking to an ol' timer down the road and he claims we have upwards of a 7-9:1 ratio around here. That seems high, but it wouldn't surprise me based on all the does and doe fawns we've seen in the past few years.
    Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue
    "Keep your powder dry, Boys!"
    ~ George Washington

    "If I understood everything I said I'd be a genius." ~ 'Unknown'

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    united states of america


    Don't you ever get tired of being such an asshole?
    dont you ever get tired of menstrating?

    the moon doesnt have anything to do with your chances of killing a deer.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    'Down in the Holler', SC


    Originally posted by Sportin' Woodies:
    the moon doesnt have anything to do with your chances of killing a deer.
    You may or may not be right. Some "experts" agree with you, and others believe otherwise based on how it affects the timing of their movement. If you read my comments above you'd note that it only changed the times I hunted, not that I did at all.

    You'd convince more people of your opinion if you learned how to present your side of the argument. While you learn how to do that, you'd also gain something by also going back to take some English grammar and comprehension classes. I'd think being a poster child for the SC school system would get tiring for you.
    Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue
    "Keep your powder dry, Boys!"
    ~ George Washington

    "If I understood everything I said I'd be a genius." ~ 'Unknown'

  11. #11
    TJManifold Coots


    Why not instead of worrying about moon phases etc, go sit in the stand and kill something. They have been moving early since the beginning of season to this past weekend. One buck killed last sat. at 6:18 one this sat. at 7:07. The moon has changed from full to a sliver now to almost full again, and i have noticed no change in patterns. The only thing that has gotten them moving more is the cold weather.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    united states of america


    You'd convince more people of your opinion if you learned how to present your side of the argument.
    its not that important to me whether or not other people kill more deer than they already are.

    While you learn how to do that, you'd also gain something by also going back to take some English grammar and comprehension classes.
    read it and weep: G E D.

    I'd think being a poster child for the SC school system would get tiring for you.
    actually its not too tiring at all. i dont use capitalization/punctuation because id hoped it would make me look tough. (i only weigh 112lb dripping wet)

    also, since you did decide to bring up grammer, lets review yours in this particular thread.

    I sat from 10:30 'till 4 last Friday
    ----since the rootword of your abbrv. is spelled u n t i l, let's not add an extra "l".

    Didn't even see a doe in an area where I almost always see something.
    ----this sentence is missing a subject. I find myself asking "who" or "what" didnt even see a doe.

    Same thing with the guys hunting a couple hundred acre area about a mile from here.
    ---- fragment.

    of are a small 4 pt, a 5 pt, and 2 6 pointers.
    ----numbers <10 should written out. so, instead of 4, write "four". "40" would be OK to write as a number since it greater than 10****

    Also haven't been getting any response to estrus bleats, grunts or occasional rattling.
    ----again, youre missing a subject. who hasn't been getting any responses?

    home school?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Lexington County



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Greenville, SC


    This problem is easy to solve....put out some trail came see when the majority of your pictures are taken and then check the moon phase and see if the pictures fall into place day time or night..and then check with your buddies and see if they are getting the same thing.

    Just like tonight the best time to be in the stand is from 9:20-11:20 but since you cant do that you hunt that same time in the AM. Or check what the moon time is for the following day....

    I do belive in the moon phase but...but I also belive that during the rut it dosent matter

    Its all personal opinion

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    game camera? you don't need a fuck'n game camera theese folk got it all wrong you need corn lots a corn!
    They say the only time a fishermen tells the truth is when he tells you another fisherman is a liar.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    On the run


    Normally I just lurk and read due to the number of death threats I got from the moderators and admins in days past, but this subject really hits close to home. First of all the moon has everything to do with deer hunting. The moon really puts me in the mood to go on one of my "sprees" but that is covered by attorney-client privilige. Second of all, when used in conjunction with my voodoo dolls and pagan rituals the moon phase guarantees be a good hunt, whether it be for deer, guineas, feral cats, plover, or marsh hens. Things are different on a full moon, I promise. I get laid a lot more and microwave popcorn pops atleast 7% faster. Sportin', you need to quit doubting the experts, and Lance Armstrong. Dont be such a smart-ass, people will not like you and will leave you alone in a shed with two semi-rabid monkeys. Just my .02, grab the .410, a box of slugs and go hunting.
    People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. - George Orwell

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    [img]graemlins/lol.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/lol.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/lol.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    'Down in the Holler', SC


    Nice comeback, sport. I'll give you that one.

    I'm sure your mama and papa are real proud of your GED. Coupled with your Napoleon complex I'm sure it will take you a long way in life, Son.
    Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue
    "Keep your powder dry, Boys!"
    ~ George Washington

    "If I understood everything I said I'd be a genius." ~ 'Unknown'

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    united states of america


    yeah, its pretty much the best comeback of all time. do the chickens have large talons?


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    united states of america


    Coupled with your Napoleon complex I'm sure it will take you a long way in life, Son.
    Ahem, you need to insert a comma after the participle, "coupled with your Napoleon complex"

    these are the things a GED will teach you.


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