
Back about 15 years ago Texas A&M studied radio collared deer for a few years to relate movement to weather. Mostly the normal, front caused movement kinda stuff. But, one interesting thing was this: winds between about 10-20, no movement, winds over 20 or so and consistantly mature bucks moved. The stats were very definite, and I have told many frinds of the article, of which 4 have since killed their biggest bucks in really high winds. I don't have the discipline to sit in that damn wind, the stats just fade away when I sit in that strong wind.

From my experience in quite a few hurricanes, the deer will move with EVERY break in the weather between cloud bands. I saw it in Floyd, Bonnie, Dennis, Isabel, and in Cahrlie a few weeks ago. When the rain breaks they hit the feilds. I have killed two in Hurricanes myself, or in the heavy rains that followed. Good luck.