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Thread: Ohios best kept Secret

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Upper Dorchester/Colleton County


    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    These boys just know how to hunt over corn piles at 300the yds. SC has few hunters in the state, lots of killers but most lack woodsmanship. And thats a fact

    what a magnificent specimen of an asshole you are for making that assumption. Go back to whatever rock you crawled from under.

  2. #82
    Join Date
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    Fort Kickass


    Stonecold, your post might be a bit over his head. You need to throw some punctuation errors and random words in there for him to be able to understand it.

    As to the rock you mentioned, it is where he moderates and all the transplant yankees flocked to when the grabass dnr site went kaploowie. Must be a real happening place.

    The distance to the cornpile is a little skewed as well. Anyone who has hunted in SC knows that 100 yds is the preferred distance.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    As I was, not many hunters on this site. Mostly spoiled frat boys with daddy's money "hunting" over corn.
    Then what in the hell are you doing on this site? Feel free to log off, take a shit in your hat and keep on trucking!

  4. #84
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    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    Well, you dont seem to care for bacon, or hitting it from behind, so I would assume you are correct.
    If liking these things makes me a neanderthal then consider me the missing link!

  5. #85
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    Upper Dorchester/Colleton County


    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    As I was, not many hunters on this site. Mostly spoiled frat boys with daddy's money "hunting" over corn.
    Again, you're assumptions are wrong. I hunt mainly public land with archery tackle and take my fair share of deer doing it. Never went to college, so I wasn't in a fraternity, and didn't depend on my daddy to pay my way. At 47 years old, I generally don't get involved in these internet "beatdowns", but you sir, are an idiot. I-77 or 95 runs both north and South. Feel free to head back north. Hell, I'll even chip in for gas!

  6. #86
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    The part about you being an idiot? I know I was spot on there!

  7. #87
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    The Salt


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigtimber2 View Post
    There's no need to travel that far for an Eastern, we can kill 5 in SC. Most of us shoot 1 or 2 then call for a rubberhead or kid, we still have the heroes that need to shoot 5 to stroke the ego.
    Maybe we're just mad at them, that's why we kill 5. You dont go duck hunting a shoot 2 and call it quits do you????????
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    I'll shoot over a kids head in a blind or long gun one on a turkey in a heart beat. You want to kill stuff around me you gonna earn it.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    Exclamation points are the simple man's adjective.
    Good point.

    What sort of man makes points with cute emoticons?
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  9. #89
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    Sep 2009


    Led's not a yankee and he's not an asshole; he grew up hunting in the lowcountry. He's just stirring the pot. He's a marine and a marine's marine at that and I don't throw that second part of the title around like spare change. He's just fucking with you guys. He's hunted with and without corn.

    FLS is a friend of mine, too, and a helluva hunter and a helluva unselfish human being, teaching me how to shoot and hunt with a bow and putting me in deer honey holes more than once over the past few autumns, allowing me to fill a couple ADQP tags with my rifle along the way. Let's all follow the words of Harvey Korman in Blazing Saddles:

    Gentlemen, rest your sphincters.
    Tell me sump'n. Why you askin' so many jackassy questions?

  10. #90
    Join Date
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    Santee Swamp


    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    These boys just know how to hunt over corn piles at 300the yds. SC has few hunters in the state, lots of killers but most lack woodsmanship. And thats a fact
    Show us low bred white boys some pictures of your woodsmanship, ey buddy.. Ey?

    Until then, take your orange hat, muzzleloader and climbing stand back to Ohio and grease it up your arse..

    And yes I am a killer.. Naturally Born thatta way.. Rather be a killer than outdoorsy woodsdouche anyday of the week..
    Last edited by PBiz; 08-30-2011 at 02:23 PM.
    Natural Born Killer Prostaff - Killing Tomorrow's Trophies Today...

    TFC -"Be tough or get tough"

    Conservation Permit Holder #5213

  11. #91
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    The Salt


    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    These boys just know how to hunt over corn piles at 300the yds. SC has few hunters in the state, lots of killers but most lack woodsmanship. And thats a fact
    I'm kinda late on this thread but here is my take...

    1. Your from Ohio
    2. You really need to go back there, for good.
    3. You lists hunters and downgrade "killers"...probably becuase you consider yourself a hunter becuase you suck at actually harvesting's the way you cope with having poor genes and not being born a killer. Trust me, there a far fewer killers than hunters, some are good at it while others just think they are and talk about it.
    4. Send PBiz you GF's facebook page, he will introduce her to the south.
    5. Fah Q
    Last edited by buckpro; 08-30-2011 at 02:36 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    I'll shoot over a kids head in a blind or long gun one on a turkey in a heart beat. You want to kill stuff around me you gonna earn it.

  12. #92
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    I just wanted coordinates to the land in Ohio, I got 25 friends looking for a low cost OOS deer hunt...

    "We are a band of assholes. Kno Dat"

    ~ Dook aka Kneedeep

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckpro View Post
    I'm kinda late on this thread but here is my take...

    1. Your from Ohio
    2. You really need to go back there, for good.
    3. You lists hunters and downgrade "killers"...probably becuase you consider yourself a hunter becuase you suck at actually harvesting's the way you cope with having poor genes and not being born a killer. Trust me, there a far fewer killers than hunters, some are good at it while others just think they are and talk about it.
    4. Send PBiz you GF's facebook page, he will introduce her to the south.
    5. Fah Q
    1. You're
    2. Spot on
    3. More spot on than # 2
    4. I have a lady friend these days, but I have a protege' or 3 that would love a grudge poke on a Buckeye
    5. Bonus round

    Ps, I bet he covers the animal up after his harvest and sticks it's tongue back in its mouth after it expires..

    Grade A bull douchebaggery
    Natural Born Killer Prostaff - Killing Tomorrow's Trophies Today...

    TFC -"Be tough or get tough"

    Conservation Permit Holder #5213

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    Exclamation points are the simple man's adjective.
    How bout this for a neanderthal adjective!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    Exclamation points are the simple man's adjective.
    I would rather be a simple man than have a simple mind. Enough of this, its time to go climb a tree. See you tomorrow!

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    I have actually never killed a deer, I am hoping to change that soon.
    You gotta be kiddin me
    Last edited by buckpro; 08-30-2011 at 03:41 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    I'll shoot over a kids head in a blind or long gun one on a turkey in a heart beat. You want to kill stuff around me you gonna earn it.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    Badfaulkner let the cat out of the bag earlier....Im just screwing around. Im amazed that none of you sent me a nasty pm. I would have bet money on that. Good luck to you this season.

    I will only hunt Sc twice this year now that Im stationed in Va. Sept 15-18 I will be in the lowcountry and again at Christmas. Hopefully I can gig one.
    You had these poor boys going ape shit bro.

    I too, am good friends with LED and like 90% of you he is a standup guy and will give you the shirt off his back. He knows what to say and when to say it or this thread wouldn't be 6 pages.

    Sumbitch can shoot the hell out of a bow.
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    Bested by Tee. Just damn...

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by led0321 View Post
    Badfaulkner let the cat out of the bag earlier....Im just screwing around. Im amazed that none of you sent me a nasty pm. I would have bet money on that. Good luck to you this season.

    I will only hunt Sc twice this year now that Im stationed in Va. Sept 15-18 I will be in the lowcountry and again at Christmas. Hopefully I can gig one.
    Dang, it was just gettin fun!


    And thanks for your service!
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    I'll shoot over a kids head in a blind or long gun one on a turkey in a heart beat. You want to kill stuff around me you gonna earn it.

  19. #99
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    damn......this was recreational and therapeutic. BTW. Thank you for your service to this country Marine! (yes, that is an exclamation point, lol)

  20. #100
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    Default Service

    I also appreciate your service. And I appreciate way this site has made a point to support our military.


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