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Thread: Over 400 Scientists Dispute Man-Made Global Warming

  1. #1
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #2
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    It warms my heart like a shot of bourbon.

  3. #3
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    makes me sad...
    wherever we go we bring monkey with us

  4. #4
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    Wow! You mean that there are 400 "scientists" that will stake their reputation to an argument that in no way can be proved or disproved?! Wow! I am so happy that I can now go out and not worry about what impact I have on the environment! I always knew that pollution was good. Sink a plastic bottle to the bottom of the Santee can't see it once it is down...until this year anyway. Oh WTF, it ain't hurting anyone anyway. Let me guess, you vote republican on everything because anyone running on the Dem ticket is a leftist, tree-huggin, taxin to support the bros, pro abortion prick right? You can always tell the people that are too darn stupid or lazy to think for themselves; these folks line up on the far right or far left and post ridiculous internet drivel to supposedly bolster the position that they know very little, if anything about. Thanks for the light entertainment!
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  5. #5
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Yep, 400 from all over the world including Germany, Great Britain and other countries. 400 prominaent scientist who don't drink the UN and political leftist's Kool Aid. Amazing isn't it.

    And no one said we couldn't have an impact on the environment, but common sense says we can't have an impact on global climate. Anyone who thinks otherwise can't think.

    Man has been burning fossil fuels and creating greenhouse gases for less than 150 years. One volcanic eruption releases more greenhouse gases than man could at our current rate in 100,000 years. There's volcanoes constantly spewing greenhouse gases all around the world right now, not to mention how many eruptions there's been over the years. The earth can damn well take care of herself when it comes to matter of climate. She's proved that over and over. No matter what us little peons do we can't change the global climate. We couldn't change it if we made it our mission and spent every minute of every day and every dollar printed from now on trying to do it. To think we are that important and we have that great of an impact is the height of vanity.

    What this Global Warming bull shit is all about is leftist control, extra taxation, increasing government intrusion and size, and government and
    the liberal elite telling people how to live their lives. The latter being what liberalism/socialism is all about. Why do you think the UN is so interested? It's all about control and they're already talking about special taxes.

    As for me voting Republican, I will simply because they are the lesser of two evils. But the Republican party is way too liberal for my taste.

    "You can always tell the people that are too darn stupid or lazy to think for themselves"

    Yep! It's the Kool-Aid drinkers that buy into anything the leftist media tells them and refuse to do their own homework! I'd hate to know I lived my life in a world where all I knew was what I heard from the main stream media. And everything I said was parroted from what I heard them saying. [img]graemlins/shakehead.gif[/img]

    That said the Global Warming scare is all hogwash. I remember 30 yrs ago on the first Earth Day when they said in ten years we'd be in another Ice Age. That didn't happen so now they are trying this Global Warming Hoax. Btw, above I posted that 400 scientist said it was trash. There's another petition out there where 17,000 scientists put their name to a paper stating it was hogwash. But of course you don't hear this because it doen't push the agenda.

    Read This: Hostages To A Hoax

    Or for more facts this: Link Here

    Martin Durkin didn't set out to disprove Global Warming, he only wanted to get all the facts, problem was there were none.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  6. #6
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    Dood, I'm as far left on some issues as can possibly be, and I'm as far right on others as can possibly be. The simple fact is that the truth is always somewhere in the middle. My views are what they are because of what I think and not what someone tells me I should think. I'm not crackink on the left or the right but rather anyone who alligns themselves with the extreme one way or the other. To think that we cannot influence global warming is just ridiculous. Did we cause Katrina? Of course not. Our impact is not near what the far left would have everyone believe, but the far right wanting everyone to believe that we have no impact whatsoever is just as assinine. Unfortunately, since our political system has now gyrated to one that can only function by sensationalism from the poles in an attempt to suck the non-thinkers to one end or the other, we will continue to see partial truths on our media outlets, be they liberal or conservative bent, for the rest of our natural lives. And no, I do not find it shocking that 400 respected "scientists" would argue against any human impact on anything since each of these scientists jobs, no matter where they hail from, are funded by someone with some agenda. I'm sure that there are 400 "scientists" that will come back with a fervent rebuttal whilst sticking the liberal tainted cash in the bank. This is my long winded way of saying that when I see any report that declares that anything other than things like gravity and death is absolute, I call BULLSHIT!
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  7. #7
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    I agree that man caused global warming is complete hogwash. It is something that was contribed by the UN to get the United States to pay more in taxes to the world organization. Don't get me wrong, I am all for conservation. I believe in conserving energy, recycling, and reducing our independence on foreign oil. I am also for alternative fuels, when practical. The free market should drive energy conservation. Everyone wants a more fuel efficient car and a lower power bill. Conservation should not be forced on people by the government mandating punitive taxes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    in a van down by the river


    I am all for warmer weather

    sure as hell beats global freezing- anyone ever done the math as to what happens if the earth cools off a few degrees?
    Conservation Permit Holder #2765

    Retired Porn Star

  9. #9
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    Originally posted by WhitewaterDuck:
    The simple fact is that the truth is always somewhere in the middle.
    Not if there are no credible facts to support the theory. See, man's involvement with this so-called "global warming" is nothing more than a theory. It remains unproven and every day it seems new facts are discovered that contradict it. For instance, this morning it was 11 degrees on Lake Hartwell. Isn't that a record low? Al Gore should have to sit in a boat naked out in the lake and give a speech on "global warming". What an asshole.

    I would agree that we should do everything economically feasible to reduce carbon emissions for no other reason than improving our air quality and to fuck a bunch of Arabs. Let em eat sand. But to date, there is nothing unopposed that ties human activities to "global warming".

    What a load of liberal scare tactic horseshit. The problem here is that we don't have enough accurate historical data to completely disprove this nonsense once and for all.

    I heard recently on NPR that scientist were noticing a darkening in the lakes and rivers in the northern U.S. and Scotland. Their FIRST reaction was to begin trying to tie it to "global warming". DEAR GOD, IT MUST BE GLOBAL WARMING! Come to find out, this darkening is simply a return to a cleaner, more natural state provided for by a reduction in acid rain.

    See, what we have here is a bunch of young, liberal, brainwashed, "scientist" that have already bought into the "global warming" bullshit. So when they see something they haven't seen before, they're automatic reaction is to jump on the assclown bandwagon.

    And to think that piece of shit Al Gore won the Nobel for something that doesn't even exist. Absurd. I wonder how those idiots who gave it to him will feel when "global warming" continues to be disproven. If only we could trade Al Gore for Benazir Bhutto...the world would be a MUCH better place. Maybe we could do a two for one deal on that and include that sniveling little wanker, John Edwards? [img]graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    Say Whitewater, did you vote for Gore back in 2000?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    i can always count on the site for some very dumb ass thoughts.

    wherever we go we bring monkey with us

  11. #11
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    Thank you Fish; you demonstrate perfectly what I'm saying.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by WhitewaterDuck:
    The simple fact is that the truth is always somewhere in the middle.
    No, the simple fact is that some folks feed with relish on whatever is spoon fed to them. The easy path is the fence. Funny how that top rail tends to rub one's nuts off when it is constantly straddled.

    Basically, it boils down to credibility. Should I visit the proctologist and he tells me my eyesight is bad, I will have to doubt him. But then again, we are talking Al Gore here. The inventor of the internet. The herald angel of global warming. The SOB is barely qualified to tie his damned shoes. How could anyone doubt him?
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by WhitewaterDuck:
    Thank you Fish; you demonstrate perfectly what I'm saying.
    Sorry, but I didn't demonstrate shit for you. The sky is not falling you dumb conspiracy theorist prick.

  14. #14
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    The definition of truth is confromity with fact or reality. There is no middle ground to truth. Truth is backed up by facts. It is a fact that during the last ten years the average temperature of the earth has not increased. Conversely, CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been on a steady rise. No one has been able to prove any correlation between temperature rise and CO2 levels. If global warming is caused by an increase in CO2 in the atmoshpere, such a correlation should be easily recognizable. But what do I know? I'm no Al Gore.

  15. #15
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    Been there done that


    Over 90% of greenhouse gas is simple H2O. Why doesn't someone blame the sun for evaporating too much water?

    Answer: There's no money in blaming nature!

  16. #16
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    Fish, I don't think the sky is falling. I never said that man was creating or causing global warming. I'd say that by your first post that you agree whole heartedly with post number one in this thread, yet you also state that there are a boatload of liberal "scientists" that have bought into the manmade global warming BS. That, Mr. tunnelvision, supports my point. Looking at both sides of a situation and coming up with your own understanding of that problem is considered riding the fence only to nimble-minded folks that actually think that they aren't being spoon fed. I'm not disagreeing with anyone about global warming not being caused by human activity. I'm not, however, going to bury my head in the obligatory pile of anti-liberal BS that the far right is throwing at us just because the famed idiot Al Gore is on the other side. If you truly believe that we have no impact and can not have an impact on our global climate no matter what we do or what we try to accomplish, then goody for ya. I happen to think that we can and do have a minimal impact, but it won't keep me from driving my 11 mpg SUV. Shoot, I'd be tickled if the ocean rose like Gore says it will. I'll have ocean front property and there will be a lot more breeding areas for ducks.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  17. #17
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    I don't have tunnelvision. When data is presented that gives reason for concern, I'll be listening.

    Till then chicken little, you and the rest of the poultry should huddle up real tight and give thanks to your God that you have Al Gore to lead you in these dark times.

  18. #18
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    Fish, I'm much closer to agreeing with the mental-midget we currently have serving as Prez than Al Gore. My points are obviously flying over your head like the ducks you shoot three feet behind. I don't disagree with what you have said, and when your comment supported the first point I was making, it was not an insult to you nor did it suggest in any way that your a liberal. I'm sorry for not having the energy nor the desire to spell it out and simplify, but I don't. Sorry that I confused you bud. I now know that you can not comprehend that a conservative could actually come to the conclusion that we might be influencing global climate without being in the boat with the likes of Gore. My bad.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!


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