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Thread: The White Shift Right

  1. #1
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Bob Whitaker is a good old SC boy who went to Washignton and did good! Now he sits at home and writes. --MM

    The White Shift Right! Bob Whitaker Online

    It has been noticed that many states have become totally controlled by the Democrats because of their growing minority populations. What is amazing is that the Republican Party still exists at all.

    As I point out in Why Johnny Can't Think: America's Professor-Priesthood we pay our universities to produce whole generations of liberals at public expense. At the same time we are importing liberal votes by the millions.

    The serious polls show that universities are doing their job. They are not turning out a solid group of liberal youth the way we pay them to, but young college graduates are well to the left of the general population.

    Before you recite the tired old line that youth is radical, let me remind you that there is nothing radical about liberalism. In the real world the college-educated population has generally been to the RIGHT of the general population. In 1896 students at Yale rioted to prevent the economically left-wing William Jennings Bryan from speaking on campus, just as they would riot to prevent a conservative from speaking today.

    But despite manufacturing liberals at public expense and importing them by the millions, there is a Republican president and a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress. That can only be because the population of non-imported people, of people who did not recently graduate from college, and of college graduates who have outgrown their college indoctrination must have grown stupendously.

    There'll Come A Time

    The white population is moving right and giving Republicans all their victories. Meanwhile the Republican Party is desperately trying to prove it isn't "racist" by knocking itself out to get some non-white votes it will never get.

    The Whig Party tried to do the same thing in the middle of the last century as the issue of the expansion of slavery into the Western territories became central. The Whigs avoided the issue. They held the White House in 1853 and they were not even on the national ballot in 1856.

    It won't happen that fast this time. But this time, it is happening to BOTH parties. When the Whig Party disappeared, the Democrats survived.

    But if you look at "the white shift right," you begin to see that the white Democratic leadership depends more and more on the abject obedience of their faithful colored companions. If the Democratic Party wins a majority in Congress again, its leadership will be heavily black on the committees. And those Tontos might not forever settle for a white face at the top.

    Can a party that is really run by minorities hold together? The NAACP has been taken over by blacks -- the NAACP never had a BLACK president until the 1970s! – and it has not exactly thrived. The NAACP is out fighting Confederate flags while even blacks admit they have far more pressing problems that organization is not in any way dealing with.

    So let's face it. Soon there will be a white party and a party for the OTHER minorities. Republicans scream this cannot be true. Democrats scream that Republicans are not "appealing to" minorities, so they're racists.

    In the real world our system becomes more racial every day. In the world that is coming, neither Republicans nor Democrats have any place.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    where the sand meets the clay


    Importation causin' an increase of minorities? How about the increase of monorities caused by these white girls havin' babies sired by nonwhite fathers?


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