Bible Study Verse:

James 1:5-6

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. (NLT)


A few years ago my son and I were moose hunting on a well traveled river in interior Alaska. My son, in his late teens, was serious about harvesting a bull that year. It was the last day of the season and close to the end of the day when he spotted a legal bull on the edge of the river bank. He maneuvered to get a clear shot in the brush with a bend in the river. As he was taking aim on the bull, it turned to look up river and my son could hear the motor of a boat coming from around that bend.

The approaching boat would be dangerously close to his shooting line of sight. He could not see the boat, but knew it would soon be in the line of fire so he chose not shoot. The bull slowly walked back in to the trees and in a few seconds the boat appeared and continued on down the river.

My son went looking for the bull, but never saw him again. Needless to say he was quite disappointed, but dad was extremely proud of the decisions that this young man was making. (Marshall M)

Action Point:

Have you ever asked God for something like wisdom, understanding, faith, or patience? Were you disappointed because the Lord seems to have chosen to not answer your prayers? Often we pray like this, but think nothing has happened because we can't see tangible immediate results.

In your walk with the Lord pray for the young people in your life that they would be men and women of godly character and faith. It's even okay to pray that way for yourself.

The truth is God hears and answers ALL of our prayers. We do not always understand when and how He answers them.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

Hunter Education is one of the best safety programs ever invented. It is mandatory in many states. Teach a class if you can, attend and sit in on one if it's been a few years, and get involved. Hunter safety and education is about all of us that hunt.