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Thread: WORLD CUP!!!!

  1. #41
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Soccer sux..period!

    Soccer don't make any sense. The damn clock runs backward! And when time runs out they keep playing? [img]graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    So 1 billion peeps watched it? Look where the majority of that 1 billion lives. They can't hunt, cause they can't own guns, most don't fish, most or poor (by our standards), so about the only entertainment they have is watching soccer. That don't mean I have to like it or watch it. Heck a million people will probably die this year, that don't mean I want to be one of them.

    And I agree, soccer is not a sport, it's barely even an activity. It boils down to a bunch of people running around in a field kicking a round ball and then chasing it so they can kick it again. They do this so that they won't have to work like the poor unwashed masses that watch them.

    NASCAR isn't a sport either, it's traffic. The fans just like watching traffic while drinking beer...Who, with a life, wants to watch traffic?

    If you like watching traffic just sit on one of the overpasses on I-26..heck it's free that way!
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #42
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    I dont think ill take my opinions from someone who cant even speech proper english sorry dued. and you said soccer isnt a sport. Those players make more of an effort than any American sport. And you also said that the people in those countries are poor. WAY WRONG. I have traveled all across the world and are planning on living abroad next year. When I was in boarding school, we had princes come from Ghana and owners of oil companies from Brazil. My roommate from Guatemala, was the owner of a Beer called of Gallo, which is the main beer distubution in his country. I do agree that they have much more poor people in those countries than in the United States, but have you ever even been???? I have....and Ive seen what really goes on. I have friends in other countries. What I am basically saying is you are saying you dont like a food you have never even tasted. And I'm sorry that hunting to them is nothing important. Just like to you soccer obviously means nothing, have you ever even played???????

    What an ignorant thing to say....

  3. #43
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    When I don't speak properly (type) it's intentional. But if you wish to harangue me about my speech patterns and grammar, you should at least do a little editing and spell checking of your own posts first.

    "Those players make more of an effort than any American sport."

    Show me proof?

    "we had princes come from Ghana"

    A Prince from Ghana, a Duke from Djibouti, an Earl from Eastonia, or a Lord from Luxembourg, these are a true minority of the countries they represent. You said a billion people watched it, most (as I said in my post..practice your reading comprehension) of those billion are poor.

    "I have friends in other countries."

    I've got friends in New York, but I'm not proud of that fact either.

    "What I am basically saying is you are saying you dont like a food you have never even tasted."

    I have never tasted a dick either, but I can tell you flat out that it's gay and I wouldn't like it!

    " What an ignorant thing to say...."

    Again before saying things like this you need to read your own post.

    Soccer really must be a worse activity than I originally thought if you feel you have to come in here and defend it like your sister.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  4. #44
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    Originally posted by Mergie Master:

    "What I am basically saying is you are saying you dont like a food you have never even tasted."

    I have never tasted a dick either, but I can tell you flat out that it's gay and I wouldn't like it!

    That ranks right up there as an all time classic along side JAB IIIS pussy/bbq/pizza quip from last week

  5. #45
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    the guys at the work day today said not to listen to z71 because he was nothing but a 16 year old boy! hahaha and who gives a shit if you went across seas and you're going abroad. i went and visited my ex girlfriend in italy and i think she was stupid for going and all the people there were abunch of fags to. if i would have stayed over there more than a week i would have brought out the benelli and started shooting people. most people that do that stuff are running from something anyway. soccer sucks and so do people from guatemala
    Bay Creek Kennels- Hartsville, SC
    Owner/Trainer- Rhett Riddle
    Retriever & Obedience Training

    Home of:
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    3x GRHRCH Crown of Ace's in Costa's Shadow MH QAA “Craig”

  6. #46
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    Originally posted by HuntinCosta:
    if i would have stayed over there more than a week i would have brought out the benelli and started shooting people.
    at least it was a benelli [img]graemlins/confused.gif[/img]
    Quote Originally Posted by Mergie Master View Post
    There's evidence coming out...
    Quote Originally Posted by Cottontop74 View Post
    I dabble in a lot of things, but don't get too technical with any of them.

  7. #47
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    Originally posted by BlackWaterZ71:
    She dont look like a skank to me...
    So what does a skank look like? True she looks to be a pretty little girl, but I have seen some drop-dead gorgeous women who were VILE skanks. While I'm at it, if you care about her then don't post her image on an open forum and make idle boasts to soothe your bruised ego. Posting the pic was bad enough, bragging on what you do with her makes her appear to be a skank. (BTW, your juvenile ass better pray that this is not seen by anybody that knows her parents.)
    \"Free your mind, your ass will follow\"

  8. #48
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    Costa that's not me, I am black.

    Originally posted by BlackWaterZ71:
    I just thought maybe some these "COOL GUYS" on this site ....
    BWz71 don't kid yourself, first no one on scducks is allowed to think. secondly, well do I have to keep going?
    They say the only time a fishermen tells the truth is when he tells you another fisherman is a liar.

  9. #49
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    ok fellas.
    delete the picture/post.
    everyone shut up.
    huntincosta quit trying to bandwagon your way into thinking youre cool.

  10. #50
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    i know i'm kinda late on this thread, and soccer isn't high on my list... but some of the best brawls i've ever seen happen at soccer games, hands down.

  11. #51
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    Default guys actully get so mad at a WEBSITE...I mean when I read these post I just laugh. It's funny to me that people waste time to prove a 19 year old wrong. Which by the way this 19 year could out hunt any of you old farts anyday......but that is beside the point, I just dont get how when somebody makes a post about something that somebody else dosent like all they do is make some stupid comments saying its horrable and stupid and not a sport and all that kinda shit. If you dont like something how about keep it to yourself, I mean seriously this is actully a bunch of damn bogus.....if you dont like the world cup then fine, but I figured their would be someone on here that might have watched it, and mergie Im pretty sure that by posting late on this topic, you probably were just trying to get a rise out of people. Way to go, whatever I'm sick of talking about this, people obviously have way different opinions on this topic......gentlemen good day!

  12. #52
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Who got mad? [img]graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    Ain't nothing on a forum ever made me mad.

    I did kinda think you were a little upset with my post though. But I fully understand cause I've seen it before, soccer lovers are like some kind of cult members. They get all crazy when someone says something disparaging about soccer. Hell y'all kill opposing fans at the games! And here I thought y'all were supposed to be the more "civilized" upper crust elites of the human race? But damn if y'all don't act like the unwashed masses, rioting, beating on each other, and causing general havoc whether you win or lose. [img]graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    {analyzing mode}
    I think the fans, mostly from countries with oppressive governments, use soccer as an excuse to release their pent up frustrations at how bad their lives are. It's also like their governments allow this little 'blow off' to keep the slaves on the plantation. Redirecting the anger toward a game instead of the government.
    {/anaylzing mode}

    I like boxing, boxed in college, and still enjoy watching it. But if anyone or everyone posted that "boxing sucked" I could care less. I'm certainly not going to waste time defending it on a forum. And I'm not going to try and say boxing fans are "above" other fans. Nor would I say someone was ignorant because they didn't like or understand boxing.

    Ya know why?

    Thought so...ok I'll tell you.

    Because boxing is just a sport. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. It's a game, people play it..."play - To occupy oneself in amusement". And it's the same for soccer, racing, football, round ball, baseball, sporting clays, golf, horse shoes...etc.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  13. #53
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    Originally posted by BlackWaterZ71:
    And you also said that the people in those countries are poor. WAY WRONG. I have traveled all across the world and are planning on living abroad next year. When I was in boarding school, we had princes come from Ghana and owners of oil companies from Brazil. My roommate from Guatemala, was the owner of a Beer called of Gallo, which is the main beer distubution in his country. I do agree that they have much more poor people in those countries than in the United States, but have you ever even been???? I have....and Ive seen what really goes on. I have friends in other countries.
    First off Fuckstick, not one person on here is impressed that you are traveling around the world on your Daddy's money. Yes we all know that your Daddy rapes and pillages the land developing idiotic strip malls. Everyone knows that Daddy has a big giant super duper pile of money. Guess what? We are unimpressed.

    South Carolina needs another strip mall like it needs another worthless son of a rich developer.

    Originally posted by BlackWaterZ71:
    Which by the way this 19 year could out hunt any of you old farts anyday......but that is beside the point!
    No it is exactly the point. Your equate hunting success by the amount that Daddy spends to put ducks on your strap. $2500 for a trip here, $5000 for a trip there, $450,000 for a membership in one club, more for another. You actually think that this makes you some great hunter??

    You are as clueless as they come. Now run along to Spain or Zimbabwe and play with the Princes please. We won't need you here for another 10 years or so when Daddy decides that you have bummed long enough and you can come learn how to destroy a few wetlands in the name of Ben and Jerry, Subway, or whatever strip mall tenants you feel are good enough to grace your presence.

    Who knows, maybe the crown princess of Slovenia will even allow your new money ass to post HER pictures up while talking about bending her over the rail. But you know what? I really doubt it. That post will be all over Greenville in about 30 minutes, chump.

  14. #54
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    DaAAYYYUUMMM!!!! [img]graemlins/lol.gif[/img]

    [img]graemlins/drums.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/icon300.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/tapdance.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rock_band.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img] and the beat goes on.
    They say the only time a fishermen tells the truth is when he tells you another fisherman is a liar.

  15. #55
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    I have not seen this good of a beat down since quackkills, Blackwater you probably should give up, and dude what were you thinking posting that picture and then making that stupid ass comment about bending her over a rail. Before you make statements like that you should make sure no one knows her, because I do and I am sure her Dad would love to see this.
    Originally posted by scfisherman143: "we mostly have woodies and teal but today we had workable big ducks allot of them ringnecks buffleheads redheads teal woodies it was amazing\"<br /><br />Another brilliant future duck hunter in the making

  16. #56
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    No way does his family have that much money only to let him wear a lemon colored polo... I just don't believe it.

  17. #57
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    i did watch the world cup, its probably the first and last soccer game i'll ever watch. It pissed me off how they would fall down and wait for a penalty, and then when they wouldnt get it they would hop up. it was very annoying and obvious how often they wanted that to happen. and the whole having no commercials and adding time at the end sucks too. the game is over but we're gonna add more time because some pansy wont quit bitching about getting kicked in the shin guard. the whole game there is no enthusiasm between the teams. the ball is kicked through the air to one side, then the other, someone gets kicked and falls over then the goalie gets the ball and kicks it across to the other side. they take like one shot at the goal every once in a while and thats the only excitement. the rest of the time youre watching the ball fly through the air. and i wont even get into pk's. my final conclusion. pointless game- soccer sucks.
    Bay Creek Kennels- Hartsville, SC
    Owner/Trainer- Rhett Riddle
    Retriever & Obedience Training

    Home of:
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    3x GRHRCH Crown of Ace's in Costa's Shadow MH QAA “Craig”

  18. #58
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  19. #59
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    Bay Creek Kennels- Hartsville, SC
    Owner/Trainer- Rhett Riddle
    Retriever & Obedience Training

    Home of:
    HRCH Ace's Costa Del Mar MH. "Costa" 500 Point Club
    GRHRCH Costa's Signature Blend MH "Crown" 500 Point Club
    3x GRHRCH Crown of Ace's in Costa's Shadow MH QAA “Craig”

  20. #60
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    Do you honestly think people care about some damn website.....called SCDUCKS where the people who cant hunt come on to make people think they can....I mean serious the stupid questions i have seen on here are rediculous.....and for georgia bulldog, sounds like you know my father and have some kind of bends with him. just for your imformation my father owns around 400 which I am not allowed to even come near because of a restraining order and I have not seen him in probably 3 months, so the hole daddies money thing yeah thats a little off. and also he does have places to hunt other than the 400 acres which I am not allowed on either. So by what you think of me as not know how to hunt thats a little off to. And I'll be honest the comment with the girl wasnt even me so.......ill delete that though still kinda stupid....whatever I am done with this stupid ass argument.


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