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  1. #121
    Join Date
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    Cayce, SC


    you are the MAN Pbiz

  2. #122
    Join Date
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    bullocks creek sc


    Quote Originally Posted by gundogguru View Post
    Somebody call 911 this thread has been hijacked. The poor bastard was talking about gettin married how all the bible thumpers are jumping up and down. ya'll know better than to bring up relgion. All you will do is to agree to disagree.

    okey dokey.......i didn't hijack this thread. there was a position taken way back about living together for a while before marriage. i stated my opininion from a Christian perspective....... now it is amazing to me that you didn't chime in at that point if you were truly worried about the thread being hijacked. insted what you have done is used it as oppritunity to bash Christians ie (bible thumpers). surely you can do better than that....... lets see now......holy rollers .......god squad..... jesus freaks.
    had an uncle givin out bibles on the streets of new york when a woman college professor told him to get his white trash @ss back to south carolina.

    hey man i been called it all. it don't bother me much for my sake. don't change the fact.....the word is the word.

    if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same.....

  3. #123
    jwilliams's Avatar
    jwilliams is offline 2th Doc's Fishing understudy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapper View Post
    All I know is this: I love my wife... she is smokin hot and does more for me than I could ever expect, she raises the kids with no complaints, keeps up the house, keeps me up, she's there when I need to vent or need to be vented to. My first marriage sucked and this more than makes up for it x10.

    Now, having said all of that... there's this anesthesiologist chick from South Africa that I've been working with all week that puts the schwizzle in my dizzle; she giggles at everything I say and damn almighty she is fine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    Does Elton John know you have his shotgun?

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    unable to get a pic yet... I'm trying not to be too obvious. My partner says it's not that she's super hot; it's a combination smarts, no make-up hotness and the Afrikaner accent.

  5. #125
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    Fort Kickass


    That dutch accent will make certain parts tingle wont it?

    Biz, preach on.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Charlize Theron is a hot south afrikaner.

    til i watched the movie where she was a whore serial killer....damn ruined it for me. she got ugly quick for that part
    Quote Originally Posted by trentsmith View Post
    Honestly I don't remember why I don't like you but I do remember that I don't like you.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapper View Post
    All I know is this: I love my wife... she is smokin hot and does more for me than I could ever expect, she raises the kids with no complaints, keeps up the house, keeps me up, she's there when I need to vent or need to be vented to. My first marriage sucked and this more than makes up for it x10.

    Now, having said all of that... there's this anesthesiologist chick from South Africa that I've been working with all week that puts the schwizzle in my dizzle; she giggles at everything I say and damn almighty she is fine.

    She need her cat looked at?

    It's okay. I'm a doctor.

    And single. Just sayin'.

    And I will describe it in detail for you afterward.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by sprigdog View Post
    Charlize Theron is a hot south afrikaner.

    til i watched the movie where she was a whore serial killer....damn ruined it for me. she got ugly quick for that part
    Classic beauty...

    Ditto on the movie. Never saw her the same again.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    One boob shot and you'd be over it.

    Don't act all scarred.

  10. #130
    Join Date
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    The Armpit of SC...Columbia


    Quote Originally Posted by Trapper View Post
    All I know is this: I love my wife... she is smokin hot and does more for me than I could ever expect, she raises the kids with no complaints, keeps up the house, keeps me up, she's there when I need to vent or need to be vented to. My first marriage sucked and this more than makes up for it x10.

    Now, having said all of that... there's this anesthesiologist chick from South Africa that I've been working with all week that puts the schwizzle in my dizzle; she giggles at everything I say and damn almighty she is fine.

    Average/Median US ER Physician Income - $231, 368
    Average/Median US Anesthesiologist Income - $314, 279
    Finding out she laughs at your jokes because she actually does like you for you - PRICELESS!

    I couldn't resist

    Oh, and BTW, the fact that this thread has gone this far is just plain....sad. Carry on.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Be careful SCS

    MIAMI (Aug. 6) - A South Florida woman was arrested Wednesday for allegedly hiring an undercover police officer to kill her husband of six months, authorities said.

    Dalia Dippolito, 26, was charged with solicitation to commit first-degree murder and taken to the Palm Beach County jail, Boynton Beach Police Department spokeswoman Stephanie Slater said. Bond had not yet been set and it was unclear if she had an attorney.

    Dippolito gave an informant pictures of her husband, 38-year-old Michael Dippolito, and $1,200 for a hit man to purchase a handgun, according to a probable cause affidavit. She also offered to create an alibi for herself and detailed her husband's daily schedule.

    An undercover officer posing as a hit man called Dippolito on Monday afternoon and arranged a meeting. The officer asked for $3,000 in cash and a key to the couple's home. The undercover officer later met Dippolito in a pharmacy parking lot and asked if she was sure she wanted her husband killed.

    She laughed, according to the according to the affidavit, and said: "I will be very happy."

    Dippolito discussed getaway routes, her home's security system, the location of her husband on Wednesday and the fee for the task, and the officer again asked if the woman was sure.

    "I'm not going to change my mind," she responded, according to the documents. "I am 5,000 percent sure I want it done. When I set my mind to something, I get it done."

    Authorities staged an elaborate crime scene outside the Dippolito home on Wednesday morning, complete with yellow crime tape and several police vehicles.
    Skip over this content

    "The bottom line is, we wanted her to believe without question that when she arrived that her husband was dead," Slater said.

    Officers then contacted Dippolito at her gym and told her to come to the house. When an officer told Dippolito that her husband was dead, she broke down in tears, a video of the operation shows.

    Dippolito was then taken to the Boynton Beach Police Department, where she was told of the investigation and arrested. Michael Dippolito, who was informed of the case Wednesday morning, was also at the police department, as was the undercover officer who Dalia Dippolito believed was going to kill her husband, according to a police news release.

    A call to a telephone number listed for Michael Dippolito connected with a signal that sounded like a fax machine. A call to a cell phone number for Dalia Dippolito was unanswered and a message was not immediately returned.

    "It seems like it just hasn't hit him yet," Slater said of Michael Dippolito. "But the more he thinks about it, the more things that have happened over the past couple months are starting to make sense to him."
    Last edited by SCLAND&TIMBER; 08-31-2009 at 05:19 PM.

  12. #132
    Join Date
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    Fort Kickass


    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    One boob shot and you'd be over it.

    Don't act all scarred.

    Yeah, after Monster, I had to go and review all those other movies what she did show some boobage to remove the image from my mind. She has never been shy about displaying her assets.

    My private time in the shower is safe again. Dont go holy roller on me, cause, it is mine, and I will wash it as fast as I want to.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by pappy View Post
    okey dokey.......i didn't hijack this thread. there was a position taken way back about living together for a while before marriage. i stated my opininion from a Christian perspective....... now it is amazing to me that you didn't chime in at that point if you were truly worried about the thread being hijacked. insted what you have done is used it as oppritunity to bash Christians ie (bible thumpers). surely you can do better than that....... lets see now......holy rollers .......god squad..... jesus freaks.
    had an uncle givin out bibles on the streets of new york when a woman college professor told him to get his white trash @ss back to south carolina.

    hey man i been called it all. it don't bother me much for my sake. don't change the fact.....the word is the word.

    Pap you got kind of thin skin. I never called you personaly a bible thumper. And as for me I could care less if they live toghter wether they got papers or not. Thats for them to decide. Not me or you. You have your opion and others have theres. And if calling somebody a bible thumpers is bashing I guess I have been called worse too. I just keep my beliefs to my self. I learned a long time ago no 2 people are going to see things in the same light.
    Proud owner of 3 AKC.Bench Champion MASTER HUNTERS

  14. #134
    Join Date
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    damn, anesthesia is making that much?

  15. #135
    Join Date
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    I'm tellin' ya, I'd do it for you.

  16. #136
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    she's got the GAFF 'bout to put ya in the boat

  17. #137
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    Dec 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by duckiller View Post

    Ok well on to the girl here. I dated a girl for almost three years knew she was the one just knew it well you dont know as much as you think you know. She stopped wanting anything to do with me whether it be physical or emotional but then when I would back off she would fuss. This all went on the last 7 months of our time together and come to find out she had her another guy but was keeping me around because of the $$$. Yuo want to talk about a broken hearted fool that was me I was scraping the bottom of the barrel brother i did not care about anything in life, my friends, family, work nothing. I can honestly say I was so low that I really didnt care if I went into work the next shift and didnt walk out of that next house fire. After alot of hard times and depressing days I learned that there is more to life than women. Yes God made women for man and that there is someone out there for everyone but you know what I am not looking because that never come like that. Yuo have to live your life and get every single wild hair you have out because I can promise one hundred percent that if you dont your marriage will not work. You sound like you have a wonderful girl and that you are happy but i am telling you man make sure she is the right one because divorce is no road that you want to travel down. That would make the split that much harder. Sit her down talk with her about things and explain that you want to wait. You have to do whats right for you first then others. Dont ruin your life, just be sure about your decisions brother you control your on fate!
    I'm sorry that this common tramp wrung you out like like she did. I've been there and if it's any consolation, you'll be smarter the next time.
    This just goes to show that no matter how well you think you know somebody, you only know what they are willing to show you. You can talk to them until you are blue in the face about your concerns. That doesn't mean that they are going to care about them, they have their own.
    This notion that many people have that they can run another person's life is a mistake. If you think that you can, it might be best to disabuse yourself of that idea. You'll save yourself a lot of grief. Your significant/insignificant other is going to do whatever the hell they want to do, REGARDLESS of what you tell/ask them to do. The only thing that you can control is your reaction to their actions. If they try to run your life, then I doubt that they truly respect or trust you.
    If you are looking to be married, don't do it for sex. Marriage should be about companionship. A relationship that is based on the fact that she is the best lay that you have ever had is still just a glorified booty call.
    Try to find one that "gets it", that understands you, and you her. Also, you can't fake chemistry, you either have it or you don't and if you've ever had it with somebody else then you know what I mean. Hopefully you two can love each other as well.
    Get to know yourself, like my Uncle E. told me "...Shot, marriage isn't for everybody, and if you know that about yourself, then you're ahead of the game." You have got to be able to answer that question of whether it's for you or not, and you should do it "up front" if possible. Many people, especially young people, get married because it's something that you are "supposed" to do, or because everybody in your crowd is doing it. Wrong, you only have to do two things in life, the first is to be born. The second is to die. Just about everything else in between is a matter of choice.
    Last edited by Shotunderit; 09-01-2009 at 05:52 AM.
    \"Free your mind, your ass will follow\"

  18. #138
    jwilliams's Avatar
    jwilliams is offline 2th Doc's Fishing understudy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapper View Post
    unable to get a pic yet... I'm trying not to be too obvious. My partner says it's not that she's super hot; it's a combination smarts, no make-up hotness and the Afrikaner accent.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    Does Elton John know you have his shotgun?


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