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Thread: Zero Tolerance = Zero Common Sense

  1. #1
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Zero Tolerance = Zero Common Sense

    February 20,2005

    Bill Percy was surprised to see Spectrum High School’s principal, his son’s councillor, Mike Finster and John Perona from Kitsap Mental Health standing at his front door. What really surprised him and finally infuriated him was that they were there to collect his son, 16 year old, Danny. John Perona explained that he had the authority to take him without his parent’s permission or for that matter Danny’s permission. His crime? Danny had the audacity to draw stick figures shooting at each other in an art class that Mike Finster had talked him into attending. Oh. Yes. Danny also had an interest in firearms and maybe becoming a gunsmith when he finishes school.

    John Perona went on to compare Danny to the killers at Columbine even though Danny has never been in any trouble and Mr. Perona has no medical training. He claimed that Danny had no “right” to draw the pictures and that they proved he was mentally ill. The pictures had been drawn three months ago.

    Danny was forced to spend two days at a Kitsap Mental Health Facility before they realized that the whole situation was a farce and that Danny had nothing wrong with him.

    Danny’s dad has talked to several of his representatives in the school district but has received no real answers on how his son was forced into a mental health facility against his will with no due process.

    I am writing this article in the hopes that if enough parents become incensed at this total disregard for the rights of innocents to make it stop. It has become increasingly obvious that common sense is in short supply with any of these little “napoleons” who inhabit our institutions. I know there is one young man who now realizes that at any time and anywhere someone can come to the front door and take him away for whatever reason they dream up. People we have to make them stop this insanity!

    Steven K. Crocker
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #2
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    and there were no cops with them?
    My child would not have gone a place, and if they presisted without the cops it might have gotten ugly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    And if he had drawn 2 male stick figures, one of which was riding the Hershey Highway, nothing would have been said. Heck, he'd prolly be given a damn scholarship!!!
    SHR T&R's Carolina Lucy Girl - Lucy
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  4. #4
    jwilliams's Avatar
    jwilliams is offline 2th Doc's Fishing understudy
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    And if he had drawn male stick figures doing some hershey highway activities and gotten in trouble, he and his parents and their lawyer could have sued the school district for $140,000 in actual damages for the mental anguish, loss of work time by the parents, psychiatrist bills, and loss of sales by the Father because of the negative publicity and THEN sued for $2,500,000 for Punitive damages. Thank goodness we are MOVING IN THE RIGHT(pun intended) Direction with TORT REFORM!!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    Does Elton John know you have his shotgun?

  5. #5
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    and just what if, and this could be his defense, what if he was drawing some paintball activities? Do we not purposely aim at one another only to splatter our closest friends with a blood red oozing paintball? Now this young man probably will harbor bad thoughts to the idiots who have made a mockery out of him, he's probably referred to as Deranged Danny or some off the wall name by his classmates, more harm is inflicted to some guy giving the nerd a big ole wedgie.
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  6. #6
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    When are you guys gonna realize that you are not capable of taking care of yourselves and that you NEED the government to make decisions for you and give you the things that you need?

  7. #7
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    I smell lawsuit!
    Good to talk, see you out there!

  8. #8
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    Yet another reason I'm glad I was taught at home . Not only was I "allowed" to pursue my interests, I could also shoot sporting clays between subjects... I could even draw pictures and shoot them if I so desired. Too bad this kid was punished for having an interest.
    Quote Originally Posted by GBelly View Post
    I had a sales guy lock my keys in my truck on a friday afternoon at 5 pm...and told me to call a locksmith. i almost knocked his teeth out.
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