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Thread: Harrison Butker graduation speech

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC

    Default Harrison Butker graduation speech

    get your google on. i've only heard pieces and reactions. sometimes, i get very introspective and mindful. blame woodie and his tammy posse for ganging up on me and making me think. one may say, rile.

    Butker spoke his mind. from the little I saw, he chose his words very carefully. I absolutely admire a well phrased (and punctuated) sentence. He spoke about women being homemakers. He spoke out against pride month. He spoke from his heart. We can save the "i agree" or "I disagree" for now. My point is that it should be perfectly acceptable for someone to have a differing view. By so doing, you certainly create a rift. One side will get angry, for lack of a better word. Emotions run high and all of the sudden, the speaker is chastised for not agreeing with the masses. Its often said the majority writes history. The minority speaks out and angers others. Who is to say who is right or wrong?

    My ultimate point is that usc sucks. and that I dont really understand how anyone could get upset with someone saying exactly what they are saying, but the opposite. Apparently, the media is speaking out against Butker. The social media "outrage" is wide. I am here to say I DONT CARE WHAT SOCIAL MEDIA THINKS, nor should Butker. If one side can say "I support cross dressing" the other side is perfectly capable of saying "I support moms being moms." Isn't that fair/just/right?

    Deep thoughts....

    oh and Trump '24
    Last edited by 2thDoc; 05-16-2024 at 07:52 AM.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Did you listen to Tucker's podcast with Aaron Rogers? It sounds like it.

    Oh shit I posted in the sports forum
    Last edited by Southernduck; 05-16-2024 at 07:27 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Never heard of this gal. She an influencer?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Just listened to the speech, thought he did a good job.
    Quote Originally Posted by Birddawg View Post
    I dont know how it was done. For all I know that weird bastard that determined it's gender licked it.

  5. #5
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    You take a handsome, rich, conservative, white guy espousing conservative values, on a college campus, no less, and don't understand the uproar? That's solidly on you, 2th.
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  6. #6
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    I read what he said and it wasn't near as controversial as the headlines tried to make it sound. Pretty much like the majority of shit folks on here get aggravated about.
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  7. #7
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    The guy went to my high school. Making me proud

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by flockbuster View Post
    I read what he said and it wasn't near as controversial as the headlines tried to make it sound. Pretty much like the majority of shit folks on here get aggravated about.

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Southernduck View Post
    Did you listen to Tucker's podcast with Aaron Rogers? It sounds like it.

    Oh shit I posted in the sports forum
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    Never heard of this gal. She an influencer?
    never listened to a podcast in my life.
    i am an influencer. Butker is just a kicker.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Bart View Post
    You take a handsome, rich, conservative, white guy espousing conservative values, on a college campus, no less, and don't understand the uproar? That's solidly on you, 2th.
    I agree with the handsomely bearded Flockbuster. His words were wonderfully crafted.

    BB--why does his "stereotype" matter? White, black, male, female. His words may contradict emotional liberal speak, but they are his and his alone. Why can't he say what he says except that it differs from the other side (makes others angry)?
    that's what I just dont get about all this. one side can say "let celebrate lgbtqfu" while the other side says "lets celebrate being a housewife and mother"? just because they may contradict and incite passion from the other side doesnt make either of them inherently "wrong".
    Last edited by 2thDoc; 05-16-2024 at 11:02 AM.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    I agree with the handsomely bearded Flockbuster. His words were wonderfully crafted.

    BB--why does his "stereotype" matter? White, black, male, female. His words may contradict emotional liberal speak, but they are his and his alone. Why can't he say what he says except that it differs from the other side (makes others angry)?
    that's what I just dont get about all this. one side can say "let celebrate lgbtqfu" while the other side says "lets celebrate being a housewife and mother"? just because they may contradict and incite passion from the other side doesnt make either of them inherently "wrong".
    And there in lies the rub 2th. Most conservatives except far right would say go be gay or what ever just don’t try to force what you do on me or make me act a certain way or say a certain thing because of your beliefs. Liberals seemingly have an emotional passion about their beliefs and seem close minded to anything beyond that. NOT ALL. BUT ALOT. In some cases they want to destroy the opposition, not co-exist; see conservative speakers facing violence on many campuses. The irony of their actions is completely lost on them, and what’s more, THEY DONT CARE. During desegregation we brought out the National Guard and rightfully so to make sure black students could get to class. Now universities across the land are allowing what could and has been classified as “ hate speech”, a liberal bullshit term, and in some cases actions that would quickly be classified as “hate crime” to exist and take place. All this because there is no leadership from the White House down for anything other than a 2 state solution, and “allowing students to speak their mind and protest”. How quickly would it get shut down and people arrested , and rightfully so if the clan showed up on campuses and terrorized black students or any other non white student for that matter and kept them from going to class? Liberals don’t see it that way. And in some cases those in the Church are quick to tell you what’s right and wrong and that you’re wrong based on what they believe. Of course the kicker should be able to say whatever he wants as a Catholic speaking to a Catholic graduation. While I applaud his values, I think he stands on a slippery slope endorsing an organization that protected pedophiles while telling other people how they should live their lives based on his denomination’s beliefs. Ironically, again, the Catholic Church that promotes their own brand of Christianity, won’t let non Catholics take communion in their Church. At least that’s been my experience. How odd for a group that worships our Lord as The Son of God who forgave prostitutes, ate with tax collectors, and allowed a common woman to wash his feet with her hair. So it goes full circle. But that is another debate. No ill will for Catholics from me. Liberals though are only interested hearing what THEY want YOU to say come out of YOUR mouth. If not, then you’re wrong at least to them, and for some should be eliminated.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto Duck View Post
    Of course the kicker should be able to say whatever he wants as a Catholic speaking to a Catholic graduation. While I applaud his values, I think he stands on a slippery slope endorsing an organization that protected pedophiles while telling other people how they should live their lives based on his denomination’s beliefs.
    I would say this is where his lines about the leadership within the Catholic Church needs to be better. I mean look at the episcopal and Methodist Churchs allowing homeosexuals to be in the clergy. Everything that used to be a moral compass is crumbling and caving.
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  13. #13
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    He's not wrong, though his view of what a woman should be is likely based on patriarchal religious brainwashing. But most of the ills of the world are rooted in the imbalance between the masculine and feminine.
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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I agree.
    I disagree.
    Clemson sucks.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Anderson, SC


    People actually listen to KICKERS ???????????


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