Quote Originally Posted by quack head 11 View Post
Look into the IPhone SE model. They are smaller like the 6 and 7 and the generation I have still has the home button
The last three iPhones for my wife and I have come via eBay with no issues as all were NIB.

My newest one is the SE Gen 2 (2020) and can still be upgraded... for now. My wife's is the Gen 1 (2016) and she doesn't use any apps other than texting and the phone itself, so upgrades don't really matter. I like the SE sizes, with mine being slightly larger, but it still fits in the side leg pocket on Carhartts and Columbia pants, so that's a plus. When I need to upgrade hers I'll look at the SE Gen 3's for me and give her mine... if I can get away with it.