I had to enter a gated and locked property to survey. I was told “the key is in the big wooden box at the entrance by the church”. I go to said entrance near the church and there’s no wooden box, big or small. Directly in front of the church there’s a wooden box hanging on a power pole that’s the size of two boot boxes. Hmm, odd place, but ok. I take the box down as there’s no obvious access to the box with the exception of a small handhold sized opening on one side of the box. Weird.

I set the box on the ground and raise the lid. Uh-oh. I see bees. Lots of bees. And a line of slats covered in bees. And it’s in the 70’s. And the bees don’t appear happy and are beginning to pour out of the box. Not cool.

I put the lid back on as best I could and slowly and methodically vacate the area.

The situation around the box deteriorated so I left the area, but not before noticing that the lid wasn’t completely on the box.

I wound up finding the “big wooden box” 483 yards away from “the entrance at the church” and promptly made myself a copy of the key to avoid this fuckery going forward (actually made the keys the next day, but that’s another story).

The next few days (this was about a month ago) were warm as well and when I would go by the bees they would be cruising around the box so I left them alone. Then it started raining and was still warm. I felt bad having left the lid slightly ajar. Finally, Friday it was back into the high 30’s so I drove down there, put the lid on properly and re hung the box on the power pole.

Bees are a pain in the ass