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Thread: trump paid his "fair share"

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    why are we still clinging to the stolen 2020 election?
    its gone. done. past tense. just stop.

    moving on, how does trump WIN amidst all this nonsense?
    and the stormy daniels case going to court before november?
    no matter what rubberhead thinks, its a big deal, but i sure as shit dont understand the Christ analogy.
    Last edited by 2thDoc; 03-26-2024 at 10:49 AM.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Mars Bluff, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    why are we still clinging to the stolen 2020 election?
    its gone. done. past tense. just stop.

    moving on, how does trump when amidst all this nonsense?
    and the stormy daniels case going to court before november?
    no matter what rubberhead thinks, its a big deal, but i sure as shit dont understand the Christ analogy.
    Stolen elections are a pretty big deal. I don't need Trump or anyone else to tell me it was stolen. I knew that cat was out the bag when they went off the air with no winner on election night. His court case nonsense is brought to you by the same ones that are allowing the nonsense going on in this country. Stormy? Is this all they have? Is it not a bigger deal that we were told ad nauseam that Trump stole the election in 16 with Russia's help only to find out that it was all made up? And no one was charged for that?

  3. #43
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    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    why are we still clinging to the stolen 2020 election?
    its gone. done. past tense. just stop.

    moving on, how does trump when amidst all this nonsense?
    and the stormy daniels case going to court before november?
    no matter what rubberhead thinks, its a big deal, but i sure as shit dont understand the Christ analogy.
    bc it either happened or it didn't. if it did it is a big deal. also if it did the chances of it happening again are pretty good. I may not have answers on how to fix it but I'm sure as hell not sticking my head in whole and pretending it didn't just bc life for me and my family is actually pretty good. Do I obsess over it? no. do I live my life, "pay my fairshare", and have hope that God is in control? absolutely.

    no idea about stormy.

    maybe rubberhead can type slower so you don't get confused and spin things and conflate the point arguing like a liberal avoiding the main point trying to spin one detail and claiming you won on a technicality. however, it is one of the reasons I check this forum from time to time. so please....don't change.

    soccer sucks. both my kids play. I am a contradiction.
    "Check your premise." Dr. Hugh Akston

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoubleSprig View Post

    the man recieved more votes than any president had in history except for Biden.

    Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk

  5. #45
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    I don't know if the election was stolen or whatever. For 3 years we have a brain dead moron supposedly running things. The country is in shambles. The United States has zero credibility. Zero respect. Inflation has everyone spending more for the same shit and their income has not kept pace. The climate Nazis are trying to break us. Illegal immigration is out of control and Americans are paying the price for that. Both financially and violent crime. We are 32 trillion dollars in debt and shows no sign of slowing. We are supporting corrupt countries with money we don't have. Our kids will pay the price for all this out of control spending.

    Meanwhile the idiot is the white house is eating ice cream cones and telling everyone what a good job he is doing. The only plus is that we have low unemployment.

  6. #46
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    Just wait they will revise that number soon enough.

    They revise everything.

    Not to belittle the Bridge accident, but Brain dead has already sent the troops in to help. He plans to go slurp ice cream and muddle something incoherent.

    But let's put this side by side with the train derailment in Ohio. It was almost a year to 14 months before anyone from the .gov showed up.

    You can tell where his voters are!
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  7. #47
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    it wasnt a big enough deal to change anything. that's the bigger deal.
    trust me, I get what you all are saying....but i'm not focusing on it bc its over.
    unless trump does something "drastic" in the next few months, he loses again.
    and, guess what? all of yall will make excuses. much like the "stolen election".
    and, guess what? he still wont be president.

    I guess I actually care more about winning than pretending he's a saint (or Christ). bc he's NOT
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  8. #48
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    soccer rocks
    and hole*
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  9. #49
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    it wasnt a big enough deal to change anything. that's the bigger deal.
    trust me, I get what you all are saying....but i'm not focusing on it bc its over.
    unless trump does something "drastic" in the next few months, he loses again.
    and, guess what? all of yall will make excuses. much like the "stolen election".
    and, guess what? he still wont be president.

    I guess I actually care more about winning than pretending he's a saint (or Christ). bc he's NOT
    You ain't all in, Bo!

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    it wasnt a big enough deal to change anything.
    just bc nothing was done about it or nothing could've have been done about it does not equate to it was not a big enough deal. there is your leap in logic in case you were wondering.
    "Check your premise." Dr. Hugh Akston

  11. #51
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    you're starting to annoy me
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  12. #52
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    i guess i just dont understand the stolen election people standing around talking about the stolen election while the guy that stole the election is actually the president.

    its like a carolina fan talking about a push off in 2012. its over. move on. you can scream about ITS A BIG DEAL but you just look stupid bc 50% of the population thinks you're wrong.

    Trump 24
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    you're starting to annoy me
    mission accomplished.
    "Check your premise." Dr. Hugh Akston

  14. #54
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    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    i guess i just dont understand the stolen election people standing around talking about the stolen election while the guy that stole the election is actually the president.

    its like a carolina fan talking about a push off in 2012. its over. move on. you can scream about ITS A BIG DEAL but you just look stupid bc 50% of the population thinks you're wrong.

    Trump 24
    the percentage of people who think I'm wrong or stupid is of no importance to me. These days it's probably a compliment. IF I am wrong matters to me. yeah there are a lot of things that are really wrong that I can do nothing about and have no control over. kinda sux. but at least I can say it is wrong even if it can't be changed. I can have the integrity of not giving "the sanction of the victim." you can google it. hint Ayn Rand said it.
    "Check your premise." Dr. Hugh Akston

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catdaddy View Post

    Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk

    Biden was a former VP, just a citizen, not the sitting president.
    - sorry if “more votes than any president” was unclear.

    “Muh butts been wiped.” TheBigGuy
    “Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.” PedoPete, Esq.
    “Let’s go Brandon, I agree!” former Vice President Joe Biden
    “Shower time, Ashley.” NotAndyTaylor

  16. #56
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    More than 50% of the population is in fact Stupid...just look at who they voted in this time around. It amazes me that people are dumb enough to vote for Biden when they see how the prices on everything have sky rocketed. The price increase on everything should make people vote for Trump if nothing else. Usually if you hit people in the wallet, it gets their attention, but these dumbasses hate Trump so much it doesn't matter to them.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by drwilly View Post
    the percentage of people who think I'm wrong or stupid is of no importance to me. These days it's probably a compliment. IF I am wrong matters to me. yeah there are a lot of things that are really wrong that I can do nothing about and have no control over. kinda sux. but at least I can say it is wrong even if it can't be changed. I can have the integrity of not giving "the sanction of the victim." you can google it. hint Ayn Rand said it.
    now you're just being argumentative
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by FOWL MOUTH View Post
    More than 50% of the population is in fact Stupid...just look at who they voted in this time around. It amazes me that people are dumb enough to vote for Biden when they see how the prices on everything have sky rocketed. The price increase on everything should make people vote for Trump if nothing else. Usually if you hit people in the wallet, it gets their attention, but these dumbasses hate Trump so much it doesn't matter to them.
    it amazes me that we dont realize the other 50% is saying the same thing about us.

    it appears the new repetitive mantra is about inflation.

    stormy daniels and abortion will factor in more than inflation.
    am i the only one that sees this besides ECU2?
    (see what I did there?)
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  19. #59
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    it amazes me that we dont realize the other 50% is saying the same thing about us.

    it appears the new repetitive mantra is about inflation.

    stormy daniels and abortion will factor in more than inflation.
    am i the only one that sees this besides ECU2?
    (see what I did there?)
    Cliff notes: Trump really won but all the courts and judges are in on "the fix"
    Does that help?
    Oh, and one more thing. only internet news that supports this theory is true and any internet news that says the contrary
    or anything else negative about T-Rump as it relates to his "crimes" or "character" is "false news".
    Hope this helps and you should be good to go up in here now.
    Last edited by ecu1984; 03-26-2024 at 12:57 PM.

  20. #60
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