Quote Originally Posted by JimmyD714 View Post
They're probably easy for you as tall as you are, no? If I remember you're an inch or 2 taller than me. The top part of wallballs were an easy chip shot for me, the squats got old after a lot of reps and my legs would give out long before my arms did on lots of wallballs. Long rang of motion for us lanky guys

And I'm just busting your balls about kipping. I don't do that anymore but doing CF for the 4-5 years I did it was one of the best decisions I made. My strength, fitness, and knowledge of how to lift properly went way up and I enjoyed it.

Except for "Fran" days... and I always did kipping pullups for that workout.

I do think kipping pullups and muscle ups are a bad idea for someone who doesn't have the strength to do it strict. And there is research to back up that belief. Haven't talked to Rich in years but if I ever do I'll tell him kipping doesn't count just to bust his balls a bit.
Wall ball shots for me are more about lungs than anything else. Always have been. Just fancy thrusters and thrusters can suckit for the same reason. Nowhere to breathe. After my knee surgery any form of squatting isn't fun but it gets done anyway. I can be weak and hurt or strong and hurt so I choose the latter.

Kipping has its place for sure. Depends on the workout goals. For metcons, I kip. For strength/skill work I do strict. Talking pull ups here. And I do palms in and out to mix it up on strength/skill work.

And I can't do muscle ups. Never have been able to. Just something about them I can't figure out even though the individual components of that movement are no problem. Stringing them together has always eluded me. But I survive without 'em.