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Thread: decoy paint?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Sumter, S.C.


    I am touching up some old Herter's and need to paint the heads of the drakes, anyone out there know what type of paint to use and how to get that glossy shine. I know I can order the paints but I want to mix my own. The new improved paint from Herter's looks like it has a metal flake to it.
    \"Next time I send fool....I go myself!\" Major Louis Cukela USMC<br /><br />Holy Snappen Duck Flappers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Lexington, SC


    The paint I got a year or so back from Herters was called Millenium Green - it DOES have a sheen to it.

    A way I have seen folks paint mallard drake heads is to paint them flat black, then paint over it with a wash of black and what is called an interference color (green, in this case) - the interference color gives it a shine like you are looking for. Use Golden acrylics - you may have to order it.
    "Only accurate rifles are interesting " - Col. Townsend Whelen

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Greenville, SC


    DD - I've never used the Herter's paint so I am no help there. I think the "shine" you are looking for is referred to as "irridescence". A couple of ways to get that look - buy an irridescent or interference paint (ready to go out of the bottle), or add some irridescent powder to paint you already have. Be careful with either as a little goes a long way!

    What SR suggests will work fine. I have some Chroma interference green (acrylic) that I add a little bit of blue and black to that works pretty well for greenheads. Also, you have to pay attention to what the background color is (prior to painting with the interference color) so that you don't end up with "neon" green heads. That's why some folks paint the head black and then come back with the irridescent green. Painting the irr. green over white won't work well.


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