Bible Study Verses
I Corinthians 16:13-14
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. (NIV)

There may come a time on a hunt where you have to follow the commands of this verse. When? When you observe someone violating a game law, such as:
Shooting more than his limit of birds;
Shooting two deer and trying to sneak them out.
Sneaking an animal home without tagging it so he can hunt and kill another one.
These are all violations of game laws. What should you do?

Get whatever pertinent information is available and call the game department of the state where you're hunting to report the violation.

Similarly, as Christians, we must be vigilant, watching for Satan's attacks against us. We must be on our guard, stand firm in our faith, and be strong men of courage! It's what God expects of us, and what He's equipped us to be.

When the attacks come, report them to God, He'll take care of the violator!
(Cliff S)

Action Point
The Bible tells us to stand, or to stand and be strong for our God. Trust Him. He'll provide all that you need to stand firm in your faith. Read His Word. Pray at all times. Put on His armor. Stand! (Ephesians 6).

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Do not confront a game law violator. Call the appropriate authorities and let them do what they're trained to do. Do be a good witness by getting as much information as possible to help the officer do his job.

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