I don't even know what roman number that is, but we had a tangle mania on our hands. We had some nasty ones (line cutters).

Anyway, fishing was pretty slow. We started up at the Skinnee Town Hole looking for tuna in what looked to be some warm water on the SST. The area didn't look that bad. We marked bait, saw birds and even had a nice sunfish free jumping on us. After the first jump, I just knew it was one of those 160lb big eye tunas, but after seeing it jump a second and third time, it started to look more and more like a sunfish.

Anyway, we found a cooler up there that had some nice dolphin on it. We caught a couple, but the bites were really passive. We even had some swat at the lures and didn't even tough them. Maybe they weren't real hungry but we caught a few. Seemed like there were more around, but had full bellies. After listening to fish radio for a while and realizing that noone was really killing them, we pushed out to Skinnee Bubble Rock looking for something. Ocean was pretty dead out there. The temp change was pretty gradual with no rip, etc. We saw a bird working and picked up a dolhpin off of him. We got bored out there and ran back into the hole. We worked in there for a while and nothing. We picked up and ran down to the Skinnee West Banks trying to catch one of those big 160lb big eye tuna that everyone has been catching lately, to finish the day. We picked at dolphin here and there, but nothing really too exciting. Then I pointed to the Furuno and told the guys "Get ready, I just marked three fish". They gave me that "yeah right" look as always, until three rods bent over. They liked that. That Furuno has been like a crystal ball lately.

To make a long story long, we wrapped up around 4pm with 11 dolphin in the box and 1 throwback peanut. That gave us a grand total of:

12 dolphin (1 peanut)
10 tangles (3 daymakers in there)

Oh well, we'll get them next time, but hopefully we can avoid some of those tangles. I'll take a JP1 daysaver over one of them anyday.