Took a little flight wiht my pilot buddy this morning over the lake/swamp - it was a sight to see! Very few holes holding any water in the swamp and those that are will take a good hike to get too.
The river down at the "blowout" is almost completely dry, 1000's of stumps, Indigo Flat is dry along with the creek around it - no camping near the "stop sign" this yr - Riser's Old River is even going dry.
You can see the old tram roads from the air crossing the lake above Pack's also.
JABIII - are ya'll just beginning to flood? And is the corn around the edges all ya'll have planted?
All in all, it was a fun trip and the first flight my 5 yr old son has been on - he had a great time - even fell asleep on the way back - did wake him up for him to see the landing!