Quote Originally Posted by Black Water View Post
So you think the .gov is there to protect us and our resources ?....

If this was taking place on your beloved Wateree, would you not have a concern or would you just blindly follow the status quo ?
We don't have the luxury of a reservoir that can just dump large volumes of water to keep the flow numbers up. All we can do is rely on God to give us rain and hope people use common sense.
As this issue progresses, more and more people along with farmers and other land owners are voicing their displeasure with what is happening along the Edisto.
I honestly thought that member's here would be dismayed at the idea that there could be potential devastation to a wetland which would effect the conditions of hunting and fishing on that river. Instead, you berate me and a few others because you think someone is Anti Farm.
What you will see on this site is that if jabo 3 had said, "Screw all you liberal profarming fags!", most of his minions would've lined up behind him on that stance, too.

In this situation, your government said it must be ok, so shut up and let them suck it up, which to me seems like the more liberal stance on this issue. We have a farm on the north fork so don't call me anti farming. I've read many opinions on this issue, and it seems like each side gleans what they want from the little bit of facts that are available. For the life if me, I can't figure how pulling millions of gallons from the Edisto river is gonna do me or any other south Carolinian any good except if they stand to benefit financially from the farm.