Sorry, I am just getting around to seeing your post. Like others have said, you can use a .22. Under the definition of concealed weapon, it makes no mention of caliber but includes a description of a handgun as being no greater than 12 inches along it greatest dimension(I am quoting from memory here). I once had a 6 inch 686 Smith that was 12.5 inches. I suppose one could argue that you should qualify with a handgun that meets the definition of a concealed weapon, but then, that is just my opinion. Instructors should not keep serial numbers, but I would suggest that you qualify with the primary gun that you intend on carrying.

Silver, I feel your pain about the tickets. At out last Instructors meeting with SLED, Joe Dorton emphasized the ticket issue. I tried to be professional, but I took issue with him about that. His heart is in the right place, in that he wants to protect the CWP Program, and it is true that it would only take a couple of high profile instances of pistol wielding judgement errors by permit holders to sink the entire program. I just don't think that speeding tickets (within reason) are necessarily an accurate barometer of the quality of ones judgement.

I told Joe that at my place of employment folks have to pass an extensive background investigation to get a Top Secret Security Clearance. Two or three speeding tickets in a year are not a big deal (DUI's are though) as long as everything else checks out OK. I guess that for $50 SLED will not be able to do much of an investigation, so they have to use some sort of discriminator's that they feel are reasonable predictors of ones judgement. If I were you, I would ask to see the research that shows that a couple of speeding tickets in a year indicates that you are "statistically" prone to judgements in error. They will probably say that you broke the law and that is the evidence. If that is the case then probably 70% of all drivers would not qualify for a CWP if you picked the wrong year. Heck, I had two tickets in one year. In fact it was in one month, but that was in 1987 and I haven't had one since, knock on wood! Does that mean that I was "unfit" in 1987 but OK in 88,89,

On the other hand, if you have received 5 or 6 tickets in a couple of years, you are SOL and they are probably right. Dude...lighten up on the foot AND get a radar detector!!!