Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
You mean like the lie that was perpetuated even up till that idiots attempt at being ATF director in that he claimed the help was taking fire from a .50 cal?

Yea, I agree with you on that.

That the government didn't start the fire?

If you take the time to read the actual governments accounting after the fact you discover that many things they said at the time were absolutely lies, and that the dividians were in fact snubbed out by their own government. It was only a certain bombing that mysteriously took the eyes off what had happened, by a guy whom just happened to be in Waco during the seize, but wasn't part of any government agency at the time......

Too have tanks roll up to a church is a tad excessive use of force. Not too mention they were proud of what they did. If you will look on the left hand side of ass hole you will se a small skull. That is why he and the other jack ass chose to take their trophy photo right there. Those pics were never meant to be circulated, but got out!
I was there