Quote Originally Posted by DuvnDux View Post
While we’re at it, let’s ban bright ass headlights on our roads. My night vision went to hell a few years ago but those lights are a nuisance and dangerous. I get an overwhelming urge to practice my marksmanship skills when driving at night. As for the mud motors, we need to bring back spanking children and teaching them respect. As for the adults with no respect , a good ass whooping at the ramp should curb some of it. I like the idea of anything outside of the main channel or big water being a no wake zone and that’s the ONLY government “help” with the problem that is needed. From an enforcement standpoint (and yes I’m qualified to speak on that subject) a no wake zone is easy enough to enforce if witnessed by an officer. Banning a “tool” that many have because a few misuse it is way too close to mirroring another agenda that wants to ban “tools” that many of us have and use responsibly. Now get off my lawn.
Windshield tint will help with the bright headlights.

Also they tried the ass whippin on a guy out here this year and got arrested for it. Kid deserved it too.

Quote Originally Posted by skrimp View Post
I spent a lot of time out there over the winter and most hunters and all the biologists want a shorter season and reduced limits.
The only people out here fighting this are selfish assholes that don’t care if they see the population hit zero as long as they get theirs. A lot of discussions are still going strong about moving towards this.

Quote Originally Posted by Steelin' Ducks View Post
Nobody pays attention to no wake zones. During duck season or not.
That is correct. Several places I hunt supposedly stopped the boat race but we still ran every morning I hunted. Started right at the no wake signs.No wake without policing will never work and there aren’t enough wardens to enforce that. Anything other than a ban is just like a “25” at the bayou. There are plenty of worked 40s that don’t get questioned with 25 stickers. With the exhaust ban I saw just as many bored 2 stroked and voodoo mud motors as any year prior.