Quote Originally Posted by WhitewaterDuck View Post
I'm just lying down after a seriously epic fish fry that included bass and bream, fresh chanterelles, Lilfred's style slaw, and Woodford. I don't miss this heat and humidity one bit, but damn if I don't miss being able to eat like this whenever I want to. While heading out to the chanty spot this morning, we ran into a thumping muscadine vine. It's hard to comprehend that my 11 and 9 year old boys ate their first muscadines today, as I had eaten my weight n muscadines five times over by the time I was 11. Holleman, as he was pondering the glory of his first muscadine and sorting the seeds from the goodness, looked up and asked, "how are these so good?!" No doubt! Take nothing for granted, and make the most of what God has blessed you with! As a bonus, ran into Highstrung at Camden's Groucho's deli...always good to see him. It's always tough leaving here, but three weeks from Saturday, I'll be on a mountain chasing bugles, so I can't complain!
Yeah, it was nice to see you.. my bride was in the truck or I would have hung around for more then a second.