Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
The rules for this forum were to have cordial discussion without the usual SCDucks pissing match.

Tell me your plan for how to get kids involved in hunting.
My plan, if I had a young child, would be the same now as it was when my son was born. I took him with me, every time he wanted to go. I introduced him to hunting young, and thereafter, any time I was going, he was welcome to tag along and he usually did. I taught him what little I did know, and he learned a lot on his own. Whether youth day is when it is 116 degrees the first week of August or in January, its all the same. It is not when you take them, it is THAT YOU TAKE THEM."

How does changing the day from January to August change anything about getting kids involved? It does not change one thing. It was just change for the sake of change. Nothing was accomplished.