Thought I would ask for some prayers for ol Butch.

Don't need a list of all the things Butch has brought to Duck hunting, although his support of the youth of the sport is doubtless one of the best of the many things he has done.

Butch had a heart transplant in 2006. Now, he is battling Stage 4 lung cancer. Last I spoke with him, he has had surgery and is undergoing treatment in an attempt to prolong his life.

Please add the old rascal to your prayer list. He needs them.

I met Butch in 1978 during a trip to Stuttgart to watch the World championship contest. He was building and selling calls from a garage next to the old Western Auto store. He was great to speak with and learn from .. I still own the calls I bought from him.. He is a great instructor and so kind to anyone he spoke to. His contributions to the competition duck calling world are many.

Lift one up for a great man. Thank you!!