Sounds to me like her singing stinks!

Opera Singer Can't Stop Farting After Surgery, Loses Job

Opera singer Amy Herbst is suing after surgery that took place while she was giving birth left her with chronic flatulence.

Ms Herbst, who previously performed with the Nashville Opera Company, says she is now unable to work as a professional singer.

The complication arose after she was given an episiotomy during child birth. A nurse found that the tear had not healed properly leaving the mezzo-soprano with a "complete breakdown of the episiotomy and perineum", with "vagina and rectum are basically connected".

The problem may not be easy to fix either, with a surgeon telling Herbst that reconstructive surgery may not be enough to help her regain control, and further operations might be needed.

She has now filed a lawsuit, which states: "As a result of her incontinence and excessive flatulence, Herbst has been unable to work as a professional opera singer."