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Thread: Looking For Some Input

  1. #1
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    Evans, GA

    Default Looking For Some Input

    I am in the market for a handgun and would like some of you more experienced bandoleros. I have never owned a handgung before, but with the way this world seems to be headed and having a little one around the house now, thought it might not be a bad idea. I will get my CWP and become proficient with it, but I will not be one of those over paranoid guys that grabs his ankle weight on the way to Sunday Evening service. My considerations are as follows:

    1) Dont want to break the bank. Thinking in the $350 range.
    2) Not trying to kill elephants, but want something a little more lethal that a .22.
    3) Like I said, I will practice a good bit so I dont want to spend a ton on ammo. Accuracy is a must.
    4) Even though I will get my CWP, it doesnt have to be a super slim, sub compact.

    Just looking for ideas on what has worked for you guys as well as what to stay away from. I have been told by several people that have .380's that it couldn't hit a 50 gallon drum if it was inside with the lid closed. Thoughts?
    HRCH Lemon's Lady Chesney MH
    SHR Lemon's Pinch Of Long Cut aka Hagen
    "Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative." -Mordecai Siegal
    "If forced to choose between romantic love and my dog, I'd sure choose my dog." -Solange

  2. #2
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    Get yourself a Glock 27 either in a 9mm or a .40 and be done with it.

    And you can't carry one in church unless you have permission to.

  3. #3
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    This would be what I'd get for your specifications. 9mm is plenty lethal and ammo is a lot cheaper than the others and readily available just about anywhere. It is compact/slim, but not like a lot of the other compact pistols.
    *2008 & 2009 Bream World Champion*

    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin

    Quote Originally Posted by ecu1984 View Post
    "The Gamecocks are hammered dog shit"

  4. #4
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    Anyone who tells you you can't hit what you're aiming at with a .380, doesn't know what they're talking about. I'm not saying that its the best choice for you, but my little LCP will surprise you.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cusportsman View Post

    This would be what I'd get for your specifications. 9mm is plenty lethal and ammo is a lot cheaper than the others and readily available just about anywhere. It is compact/slim, but not like a lot of the other compact pistols.
    Two votes for the Kahr. Had someone else recommend the CW40.
    HRCH Lemon's Lady Chesney MH
    SHR Lemon's Pinch Of Long Cut aka Hagen
    "Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative." -Mordecai Siegal
    "If forced to choose between romantic love and my dog, I'd sure choose my dog." -Solange

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SCSwitchback View Post
    Anyone who tells you you can't hit what you're aiming at with a .380, doesn't know what they're talking about. I'm not saying that its the best choice for you, but my little LCP will surprise you.
    Or may not know what they are doing. Never seen them shoot, thats why I asked. Thanks for the input.
    HRCH Lemon's Lady Chesney MH
    SHR Lemon's Pinch Of Long Cut aka Hagen
    "Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative." -Mordecai Siegal
    "If forced to choose between romantic love and my dog, I'd sure choose my dog." -Solange

  7. #7
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    Though it will be a ways off, the Kahr will likely be my next handgun purchase.
    *2008 & 2009 Bream World Champion*

    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin

    Quote Originally Posted by ecu1984 View Post
    "The Gamecocks are hammered dog shit"

  8. #8
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    another vote for the Kahr. I have the PM9 and the P380. And you can DEFINITELY hit what you are aiming at with them.

    The PM's are above your price point but the CW series is a good gun as well, especially for the money.
    A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.

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  9. #9
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    Look at revolvers.

    Also with a little one get a safe.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ESSO82 View Post
    Look at revolvers.

    Also with a little one get a safe.
    Thought about a revolver, but liked the added rounds of a semiauto. And the safe is a must! Because of where I work, the gun will be home with her more than I am. Part of the low budget on the gun is the added cost of the safe, but thanks for doing your part to look out for her well being.
    HRCH Lemon's Lady Chesney MH
    SHR Lemon's Pinch Of Long Cut aka Hagen
    "Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative." -Mordecai Siegal
    "If forced to choose between romantic love and my dog, I'd sure choose my dog." -Solange

  11. #11
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    XD9sc or XD9 - you can pick up a used one at your price point .

    Kahr is a great little gun, but the ones I have shot have been a little jumpy.
    Honey...I'll do it after the season is over.

    Originally Posted by cudexter
    I would argue that JP has the highest "quality" to "trash talk" post ratio on this site.

    Originally Posted by Air Raid
    ... Wait till 3 years from now! ...

  12. #12
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    Go see Mark at Waldons, they got some good deals now.

  13. #13
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    There are tons of opinions and tons of guns. Semi auto are good guns, but if you are not familiar with how they work, then a revolver might be a better fit (semi auto can get jammed, will not have this issue with a revolver). 9mm, 10mm, 380, 357, or 38 etc. or whatever caliber you choose, make sure the you can handle the gun!!!!!! My advice is goto a gun store and look and ask questions. The best gun is one you can handle and feel comfortable shooting.

    Since you have never owned one before, a revolver might be the best fit.
    Last edited by FHF; 12-27-2011 at 01:30 PM.

  14. #14
    CWPINST's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by birdboy View Post
    I am in the market for a handgun and would like some of you more experienced bandoleros. I have never owned a handgung before, but with the way this world seems to be headed and having a little one around the house now, thought it might not be a bad idea. I will get my CWP and become proficient with it, but I will not be one of those over paranoid guys that grabs his ankle weight on the way to Sunday Evening service. My considerations are as follows:

    1) Dont want to break the bank. Thinking in the $350 range.
    2) Not trying to kill elephants, but want something a little more lethal that a .22.
    3) Like I said, I will practice a good bit so I dont want to spend a ton on ammo. Accuracy is a must.
    4) Even though I will get my CWP, it doesnt have to be a super slim, sub compact.

    Just looking for ideas on what has worked for you guys as well as what to stay away from. I have been told by several people that have .380's that it couldn't hit a 50 gallon drum if it was inside with the lid closed. Thoughts?
    OK, this info is based on about 15 years experience teaching CWP classes and seeing the various guns that come through.........

    There are a lot of different guns out there for a lot of different purposes. The quality ranges from A-Z. Target and what I call "semi-target" handguns frequently don't work well for defensive handguns, but can work within limitations. If you want something primarily for CWP, I would stay with a top tier gun, such as Glock, Sig, or even an XD as far as semi's go. Stay away from Taurus. They are OK, but we see a fair number of problems and breakages with them. Never carry a Bersa to protect your life. Most over rated piece of crap on the market.

    For revolvers: S&W, Colt, or Ruger......again no Taurus.

    Your price is going to limit you somewhat on the upper tier guns. For a pure concealed carry gun, a Smith 642 in .38spl is very nice, but they aren't very fun to shoot a great deal. I also recommend (and have in my pocket now) a Kel-Tec PF-9. It is an economical but good compact and flat 9mm. It is not an upper tier gun, but we have had good luck with them. It is easy to carry in your pocket, wheras the baby Glock is not......but the Glock is one of the most reliable guns out there. I call it the AK-47 of handguns. If I am carrying in a holster, you can bet that a Glock (normally the G-23) will be in it.

    For ammo choices, 9mm is going to be more economical to shoot than a .40 or .45

    Good Luck!
    If it ain\'t accurate at long distance, then the fact that it is flat shooting is meaningless.

  15. #15
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    Thanks for all the input guys. I appreciate everyones time and oppinions. I plan on laying hands on as many as possible and test firing a couple as well before I make my selection. I believe I have ruled out revolvers simply due to capacity. I hate the thought of trading lead with someone and having to dodge eight or more rounds while I am reloading.

    CWPINST, I was hoping you would come along and offer some input. As far as the CWP goes, it will be more of an insurance policy. The gun will not be able to travel with me on a daily basis due to my employment location (between the Savanah River, Jackson, New Ellengton and Barnwell) so concealed carry is not so much of a concern. At home and on the road will be my two main areas that it will see attention. Looks like I may just have to tighten the belt and stimulate the economy more than I planed.
    HRCH Lemon's Lady Chesney MH
    SHR Lemon's Pinch Of Long Cut aka Hagen
    "Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative." -Mordecai Siegal
    "If forced to choose between romantic love and my dog, I'd sure choose my dog." -Solange

  16. #16
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    I'd recommend a Glock G23. Small enough to conceal if you need, but large enough to actually be able to shoot.

    It is in a solid caliber (.40) and comes with 13 round mags. You can also use the 15 and 17 rounders if you feel the need.

    The .40 can be loaded up a bit and I wouldn't feel too under-gunned with a .40, even in the woods (minus bear county, and you need some serious horsepower for those).

  17. #17
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    For the money -- I'd vote for a S&W Sigma.

    That gun rarely gets my vote, but Academy has them on sale (or did) for a mere $279 ($299 normal).

    It'd be good to learn on and not break the bank.

    I ALMOST got one the other day, but then came to the realization that I needed another handgun (or anything else for that matter) like I needed a hole in the head. It took a lot not for me not to just buy it and toss it in the safe. Points well, and it's a Smith. The old Sigmas got a bad wrap, but the new ones have gotten nothing but good reviews.

  18. #18
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    I've got a Kel-tec P3AT .380 and love it for a pocket gun and they cost about $250-$300.

  19. #19
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    9mm = Glock G-19 or Kahr CW9. If you want .40 go with the CW40 or G-23. Great tweener's

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by birdboy View Post
    but I will not be one of those over paranoid guys that grabs his ankle weight
    Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you.

    2) Not trying to kill elephants, but want something a little more lethal that a .22.
    Never doubt the lethality of a .22. It's the round of choice for hit men everywhere and has been for over 70 years. More people (non-militarily) have been killed with a .22 than any other caliber ever made.

    I think what you're trying to say is that you want a round that incapacitates as quickly as possible, knockdown.

    <run-on sentence>The round that has proven itself to be the most manageable yet still delivering the most knockdown power and has proven itself for over 50 years in every area conceivable from the battlefield, law enforcement and self-defense and has accounted for more bad guys and good guys being piled up on the floor in a lifeless heap is the oh-so-slow-rolling .45. The bad guys can almost outrun the .45 projectile, but when it meets meat...they are going down!</run-on sentence>

    I have been told by several people that have .380's that it couldn't hit a 50 gallon drum if it was inside with the lid closed. Thoughts?
    The .380 isn't designed nor intended to have bench accuracy. It's a back-up gun, made for when things get hairy and close enough to feel the bad guy's breath on your neck. But even other self-defense handguns are not built for super tight groups. That's the job of competition handguns. You have to remember than the vast majority of self-defense situations involving a handgun happen at 7 yards are less. You will also be under extreme duress. You want to be able to consistently your rounds center-mass in a man sized target at 7 yards, and do this very quickly.

    Just going to the range and shooting is fine to get familiar with your weapon, but it in no way trains you for the situation you may face or the condition you may be in when the shit goes down and it's life or death. There are many good ways to train and you can also come up with your own recipe for a training *routine (*bad word to use, don't let the training get to be routine, change it up some).

    Here's one way to train that I've heard demonstrated that you'll need a buddy to do:
    • Set up your man-target and mark off a line at 7 yards.

    • Run suicides (wind sprints) until you are sucking wind, make the final push to your 7 yard mark and have your friend standing there.

    • As soon as you stop on the mark have your buddy spin you around 2 times then literally push you down to the ground (knock you down).

    • Jump up as fast as you can facing the target, draw and dump your mag in the target.

    The idea is to get your body as close as possible to the stress it will be under when faced and responding to a deadly threat. Like I said you can come up with your own recipe for training.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

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