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Thread: Government Lied About BP Agents

  1. #1
    Mergie Master's Avatar
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    Government admits lying about jailed border agents
    Inspector confronted on Capitol Hill, says promised 'proof' does not exist

    Posted: February 6, 2007
    8:06 p.m. Eastern

    Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas

    A Department of Homeland Security official admitted today the agency misled Congress when it contended it possessed investigative reports proving Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean confessed guilt and declared they "wanted to shoot some Mexicans" prior to the incident that led to their imprisonment.

    The admission came during the testimony of DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner before the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, according to Michael Green, press secretary for Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas.

    Culberson was questioning Skinner about a meeting DHS officials had Sept. 26 with him and three other Republican congressman from Texas, Reps. Ted Poe, Michael McCaul and Kenny Marchant.

    WND previously reported that at that meeting the DHS Inspector General's office asserted it had documentary evidence Ramos and Compean:

    1. confessed to knowingly shooting at an unarmed suspect;

    2. stated during the interrogation they did not believe the suspect was a threat to them at the time of the shooting;

    3. stated that day they "wanted to shoot a Mexican";

    4. were belligerent to investigators;

    5. destroyed evidence and lied to investigators.

    Under questioning by Culberson, Skinner admitted DHS did not in fact have investigative reports to back up the claims: "The person who told you that misinformed you," Skinner reportedly replied.

    This prompted a startled and angry response from the congressman.

    "You lied to me and you lied to all of us," Culberson charged. "Your office tried to paint a picture of Ramos and Compean as dirty cops, and now you come before this committee and tell us you never had the information to back up those claims."

    Ramos and Compean began prison sentences last month after their actions in the shooting of a drug smuggler who was granted immunity to testify against them.

    Responding to Skinner's testimony yesterday, Poe said it "explains why DHS has been stonewalling Congress."

    "DHS didn't turn over the reports to us to back up their September 26 accusations for one simple reason – the reports never existed," the Texas congressman said.

    "Why did it take DHS four months to admit their error?" he asked. "I wonder how much more has DHS told the public and Congress about Ramos and Compean that simply isn't true?"

    Poe said he's determined to get to the bottom of DHS's claim.

    "I expect this new revelation will lead to a lot more questions before we're done," he said.

    Andy Ramirez, who has been involved with the case as chairman of Friends of the Border Patrol, told WND the DHS's actions "represent obstruction of justice, and they should be held in contempt of Congress, and, if possible, prosecuted to the full extent of the law."

    "This admission today is yet more proof of how they are willing to distort the facts, as I have charged all along, in order to ensure a conviction," he said.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #2
    Mergie Master's Avatar
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    Border Patrol agent beaten up in prison
    Ramos' family confirms:
    'They kicked me in the head, they kicked me all over the body'

    Posted: February 5, 2007
    10:27 p.m. Eastern

    Imprisoned Border Patrol agent Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos was severely beaten in prison, Ramos' family members have confirmed.

    Monica Ramos embraces her husband, former U.S. Border Patrol agent Ignacio Ramos, two days before he was sentenced to 11 years in prison (Courtesy El Paso Times)

    In interviews with WND tonight, both Ramos's wife Monica and father-in-law Joe Loya confirmed that Ramos says he was assaulted in prison on Saturday night by a group of five Hispanic inmates who Ramos took to be illegal immigrants.

    In a phone call from prison, Ramos told his wife earlier today that the assailants allegedly threatened him in Spanish, taunting him with, "**** la migra," insulting him – "migra" roughly translating as "immigration," slang for Border Patrol agent.

    The assault occurred at Yazoo City Federal Correctional Complex, a medium facility federal prison in Mississippi, where Ramos had been moved about 10 days ago.

    Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean began prison sentences last month, of 11 and 12 years respectively, for their actions in the shooting and wounding of a Mexican drug smuggler who was granted full immunity to testify against them. The case has caused national outrage, and dozens of congressmen are publicly insisting President Bush grant an immediate pardon of the two law enforcement officers.

    Ramos's family feels that the decision to place him in a medium security prison violates a promise from federal authorities Ramos would be kept in isolation at a minimal security prison.

    At Yazoo, Ramos was housed with the general prison population. A medium security prison such as Yazoo would be expected to house illegal immigrants, including those incarcerated on drug offenses.

    The prison attack came immediately after the airing Saturday night of a segment on Ramos and Compean by the "America's Most Wanted" television show.

    "On Saturday night my husband said he went to bed," Monica Ramos said.

    She recounted the telephone call from her husband in prison earlier in the day: "He just told me that he dropped his guard. 'They got me,' Nacio told me, 'they got me pretty good.'"

    "'What happened?'" Monica Ramos said she asked her husband. "He told me they were in the television room watching 'America’s Most Wanted.' After that, some time after 10 p.m., he went back to his cubicle and was almost falling asleep. He awoke to the sound of shoes stomping. It startled him because at night the prisoners are supposed to take their shoes off and put flip-flops on."

    She continued: "He said he didn't have a chance to turn around and look at any of the guys attacking him at that time. He just felt a blow to the back of his head. The prisoners were kicking him with steel-toe shoes, the work boots they are issued in prison. They kept kicking and kicking. And they kept calling him in Spanish a ***** immigration officer, saying 'darle, darle,' which means, 'give it to him.' They were cussing him out in Spanish. He couldn't fight back he was outnumbered."

    According to Loya, Ramos also said of the attack: "They kicked me in the head, they kicked me all over the body. I'm all bruised and very sore."

    How did the attack stop?

    "No security came to his rescue," the jailed Border Patrol agent's wife told WND. "Another inmate came and got Ramos and said 'Hey, dude, let me help you up.' The other inmate walked my husband over to security."

    Did the prison give him any medical treatment?

    "As of the time we talked this afternoon, the prison still hadn't given him any medical treatment," she said, adding that he told her, "'I asked all day yesterday.' I’m in a lot of pain and I have blood coming out of my left ear.'

    "His head and his back are hurting him badly. He said it was almost time for the prison doctor to go for the day and he wasn't sure when any doctor would be able to see him."

    Ramos told his wife he was able to identify only one of the five assailants: "They all cursed me in Spanish," he said, according to Loya. "As they were beating me up and kicking me, they kept calling me 'migra,' 'migra.' I'm pretty sure they were all illegal immigrants."

    Ramos told his wife that he was badly bruised and bleeding from the ears. He said that immediately after the attack, he was placed back into solitary confinement, where he has been for the last two days.

    "He told me that he asked to call me Sunday, after the attack," Monica Ramos continued, "but the prison wouldn't let him call me and they wouldn't let him call his attorney. He said the only reason the prison was letting him call now, on Monday, was because the Congress intervened, otherwise he wouldn't have been permitted any calls at all."

    Patti Compean, wife of imprisoned agent Jose Compean, told WND her husband was in a different prison, still in solitary confinement.

    Today is Ramos' 38th birthday. According to Loya, Ramos's three sons, aged 7, 9 and 13, woke up crying, not wanting to go to school. The children wanted to buy a cake and wait for their father to call so they could sing "Happy Birthday" to him on the phone and blow out the candles.

    Early this morning, Loya began working with the office of U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R.-Calif., to see if the warden would give Ramos special permission to call home on his birthday, after his children got home from school.

    However, the birthday call didn't happen.

    "We went out and bought a cake," she said. "The kids came home expecting their dad to call from prison so they could wish him a happy birthday. But there isn't going to be any call. My 7-year-old, when he woke up this morning, the first thing he asked was if we could still celebrate today. I told him, 'Sure we can, baby,' and he's been looking forward to it all day."

    However, Monica added, in tears: "He told me, 'They're not going to let me call later today.' He said the call in the afternoon only happened because Congress allowed it to happen. He said he doesn't have any privileges in prison. He hasn't even gotten the mail that everybody has been sending him. He told me, 'You really need to get me out of here.' That's what he told me last."
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  3. #3
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    Imagine someone has lied? Must be leftover from Reno's reign.
    It's not enough to simply tolerate the 2nd Amendment as an antiquated inconvenience. Caring for the 2nd Amendment means fighting to restore long lost rights.


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