Wooo Boy! Our general surgeon and my good friend Robert Marshall told me to drop by his house to pick up some deer steaks he wanted me to try, He used to guide and hunt, but he does not anymore for some reason he hasn't decided to let me in on yet. Regardless, he has hunting buds that hook him up with meat...including me. One of his buds hooked him up with some sika deer backstops, and that is what he gave me. I seared them super hot in a touch of grapeseed for 1 min each side before finishing them for 5 minutes in the oven at 425. I lucked into the perfect medium rare, and they were ridiculous. Ultra flavorful, incredibly tender perfection. My nephew is looking into booking us a sika deer hunt in the Delmarva with an outfitter. Hopefully we can figure it out enough to not need an outfitter for future hunts. Anybody on here ever gone up and hunted these tasty critters? I can tell you it is prime time premium venison.