I have lived my whole life in Charleston County. When I was a kid and it got to 95 degrees, it was hot as hell and the humidity made it worse. Nowadays, 95 is still hot as hell and humidity makes it worse. You don't get heat here without high humidity to go with it.

So what are they saying when the heat index "feels like" temperature is 110? If I had grown up in Arizona where there's no humidity and it got to 110, it would feel like 95 in Charleston? If Charleston suddenly dried up and the temp hit 95, would it feel like 95 in Arizona? It's all a bunch of bullshit to make the numbers sound more dramatic, just like all the other names they make up like "polar vortex", "king tides", "wolf moon", "atmospheric river", blah blah blah, etc.

I was in Texas last week down around San Antonio and Corpus Christi. I was in the very high 90's all week and pretty hot but I sweated more walking from the CHS terminal to the parking garage than I did all week in Texas. Jungle heat is less comfortable than desert heat.

It was 101 on the thermometer of my truck when I drove through North Charleston this afternoon.