Come to Wyoming. I woke up at 5:30 this morning. By the time I had finished my first cup of coffee, I had determined that this would be my first day to wear shorts to work. At 7:00 as I walked into the hospital, the warm sunshine and clam clear sky was making me feel great about a good afternoon of outside house and yard work.

When I was leaving the hospital at 12:30, there were dark clouds brewing and I heard thunder crack to the south of down. It was still plenty warm, and I was hopeful the storm would pass and I could still do that outside work.

On my way home, it rained to beat the band.

When I stepped out of my car to go into my house at 12:40, it was 10 degrees cooler than it was at 12:30, and the sun had once again emerged...but it was not shorts weather anymore.

When I got called back in at 2:30 to sedate a kid whose fingertip was clipped off by a heavy door, it was sunny but colder. When I left the hospital to return home at 3:45, it was completely grey with rain mixed with snow blowing sideways in a 20mph west wind.

As I type this at 5:30, the rain and snow has stopped, but a north west wind is blowing a steady 30-40 mph with gusts near 60.

We've all heard the ol' saying, "if you don't like the weather in _____, just wait; it will change." Whatever...this is just silly and ridiculous.