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Thread: 24-48 Hour Stomach Bug?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default 24-48 Hour Stomach Bug?

    Has anyone had any issues of late? My oldest dog whom can eat week old road kill and be fine acted strange Wed am. Just moped around and had 2 loose stools that I witnessed, because he wanted to go outside at odd times, so inked somethign was up and watched him.

    Fast forward to Wed night my oldest Ridgeback came inside for the night. He immediately began excessively farting. All night long burn your nose type of farts. He wanted to mope around all day yesterday, and was super clinging. He was fine last night, but his stomach has made some noises off and on all night but no gas.

    Youngest Ridgeback came inside last night for the night. She immediately began farting excessively. Based off the previous 2 I figured she would be fine as well. About 11 she had to go outside. Then again at 2. About 4:30 she jumped up alerting everyone, and through up. I got her outside, and got that cleaned up. Got her back inside and at 5:45 she through up again. Got that cleaned up. About 6:15 she started again, but didnt have anything left.

    She doesnt have any gas at this point, but is pitiful. She doesnt know why I was yelling at her, and she obviously feels bad. She is just lethargic now & moping. I let them stay inside right now until it warms up a little this am.

    She is a puppy still and normally bouncing off the walls at day light. So she definitely feels bad.

    I'm not terribly worried based off the other 2's reactions past few days. I guess the older dogs immune systems have seen this before, and can handle it better?? I'll definitely keep an eye on all of them today.

    Has anyone else had any stomach bugs going around? Its not the food, a based off it being stretched out as far as it has been I doubt anything they came in contact with. So I'm concluding it has to be some sort of virus?
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    My GSP ingested a handful of acorns a few weeks back while out playing. I saw him sniffing around the oak tree and then crunching them before I could stop him. I'm assuming he just figured it was free food out on the ground. He vomited every hour on the hour for about 6 hours and slept all day which is highly unusual for him. He had loose stool for about 24 hours.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Border of both Carolinas


    My plott/lab mix had a similar illness about six weeks ago, SSW. She'll gnaw on dead rotting matter when she finds it and the coyotes score regularly on my neighbor's chickens.


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