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Thread: Could have been an otter....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    ‘Life-changing event’: Panther chases forester
    A federal forester says he was chased into the Chattooga River by a 7-foot-long panther with “jet black” fur.

    Terrance Fletcher, a technician with the U.S. Forest Service, dove into the frigid water and crawled up the bank in South Carolina to escape.

    “The animal started running ... so I decided to run and get away and jump in the river to get across to the other side,” Fletcher said this week. “It was a life-changing event for me.”

    The incident occurred the second week in January along the mountain river separating Georgia and South Carolina.

    Black panthers are not native to the southeastern United States, meaning Fletcher might have seen a river otter or a bobcat, state wildlife officials in Georgia and South Carolina said.

    Still, Fletcher and Forest Service District Ranger Dave Jensen said they think he saw some sort of large cat on the Georgia side of the river.

    “It was a little too big to be a bobcat,” Fletcher said. “My first impression was a panther.”

    The Georgia Department of Natural Resources found no evidence of large cat tracks in the area where Fletcher said he saw the animal, but the Georgia DNR’s Kevin Lowrey said it’s possible a black panther was lurking in the woods.

    If so, it was probably an exotic pet that escaped, he said. His agency regularly receives reports of people seeing cougars, large tawny cats that were once native to Georgia and South Carolina. Officials say the creatures are likely escaped pet cougars or other animals, rather than wild cougars.

    “We don’t have a native black cat in the United States,” Lowrey said. “That just tells me it was something released.”

    Lowrey, a wildlife biologist with the Georgia agency, said people hiking or fishing along the Chattooga River should not be overly concerned. The river is the only federally designated wild and scenic river in South Carolina, and it is popular with recreational enthusiasts.

    Lowrey said folks should always be aware of their surroundings when in the forest.

    Fletcher, a 24-year-old Alabama native, said he and another Forest Service technician were surveying trails on the Georgia side of the river south of the Burrells Ford bridge when they separated.

    While taking a break near the river bank, Fletcher heard rustling in the woods and looked in that direction. Staring back at him was what appeared to be a black panther, crouched on the forest floor like a house cat stalking a bird, he said.

    When he stood up, the cat started running, prompting him to take the icy dip in the Chattooga. Soaked to the skin and freezing, he met up with his partner and walked through the woods to their Forest Service truck.

    “We just got on out of there,” Fletcher said, adding he remains a bit spooked by the incident. “I don’t know how long (the feeling) will last.”

    Reach Fretwell at (803) 771-8537.
    "To the sensitive gunner nothing can equal a bird and a dog and a gun in trilogy."
    George Bird Evans

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wateree, South Carolina


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    South Carolina


    As usual - A scientist wants to throw out the obvious........"oh, my, it can't be because I didn't read about it in college...." I've heard the "old folks" tales, the late night "adventures" after a few "drinks" in the stand but one thing that is a definite in these stories is the "cry" of the cat or the "hunt".....And these are men who spend a lot more time in the woods than bioligists....AND they spend their time in familiar places, not places where they've read about. So, I'll take the word of a local over some bioligist who doesn't want to "upset" the local populace....but if we know that "black cougars" exist in Florida, then why would we be so naive to think they aren't here in good ole SC? Why? Because they might be dangerous and bioligists don't like to be questioned or challenged because "BY GOD, EVOLUTION AND SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST ARE BASIC" - never mind the cunning of a wild animal......

  4. #4
    SCTIMBER Coots


    Never seen one of the black panthers myself, I did see a pic of a 65 pound bobcat that was killed in Eulonia a few weeks back. One of the largest ones I've ever seen. Could be anything, them fellas probably didn't wanna be working and figured hell I'll jump in the river just to prove my story and we'll get the hell out of Dodge today and go home and maybe we'll get some press time and a few $$$

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Wateree, South Carolina


    Greenbean wrote...

    "but if we know that "black cougars" exist in Florida, then why would we be so naive to think they aren't here in good ole SC?"

    Greeny, we know no such thing. Not one single instance of a melanistic or "black" panther (Puma concolor) has ever been documented on the planet earth...

  6. #6
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    I've hiked, camped and trout fished that whole area most of my life. From Burrell's Ford to the Hatchery to Ellicott Rock and beyond. My guess is the guy saw a smallish black bear. I've seen several over the years there, and many tracks in the sand near the river.

    The rhododendron and mountain laurel down along the river is thick as hair on a dogs back. Seeing anything that moved fast in that stuff and getting a good ID would be pretty hard.

    I'd give the guy more credit if he would have said a dark brown or gray cat (eastern cougar). But a "black" panther is very unlikely unless it was someones escaped pet.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ballard's Landing


    greenbean, don't listen to them, they are lying to you.
    JAB, is a melanistic panther breeder.
    And mergie is his culprit.
    For years they have been releasing them for entertainment, don't be blinded by their sly cover ups
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Homer, Georgia


    but if we know that "black cougars" exist in Florida, then why would we be so naive to think they aren't here in good ole SC?
    why do so many people think a Florida panther is black in color? Where and when was this misconception started and how in the hell did it get so widely distributed? Was it the old Johnny Weismuller Tarzan movies maybe? [img]graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    The ranger in the story above either needs glasses or a serious de-tox facility. [img]graemlins/bigeyes.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/animbong.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Carolina


    We do not if the "****** tiger" ever existed in SC but who really gives a fuck......if somebody says - "I saw a black cat bigger than a dog and screaming like a BITCH - well," You dumbass......leave science to science......and legends are a whole lot more fun than some stupid asshole who went to COLLEGE who can answer ALL our scientific questions - you spend too much time pretending to KNOW the truth because you read it somewhere's instead of going out and denouncing for yourself - fuck you terd

  10. #10
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    Sep 2006
    South Carolina


    I broke the cardinal rule and posted without reading all the responses.......sorry about that.....but the fact remains the same......Anybody who says he is a sportsman, is open to anything.................shame on all those who say otherwise.......I've killed dogs, deer, ducks, doves, quail, squirrel, crows, and men - so fuck you if you think anything fucking else.....I've killed either to hunt or to protect my life or the lives of can dance around all you want, pretend to be hard, but the bottom line is you have never stepped into my shoes and thankfully, never will. So, continue to belittle my uncles, my cousins, whatever - I believe them over your sorry ass any day...........they killed bobcats, black cougars, black bears, etc., etc., because they were a problemm to the farm and not tolerated much like ONLY a select few men are PISSED OFF about a few select men trying our GREAT COUNTRY......And YES there is a total and COMPLETE difference between men - there are still the men who fight and then the men who bitch.....KEEP BITCHING YOU FUCKING PUSSIES!!!! Otherwise, join the forces and do your part. I am not impressed, you talk and then get in your fucking suburban, or yukon, or lexus, or whatever and you're a pussy bcause you believe in politics - read history, dumbass - politics don't cut of action are what this country are made of......join the crowd and's typical, and i's SAFE - FAGGOTTS!!!!!!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    To hell with all this fancy smancy book learnin' my cousins nephews girlfriend Eunice knows a fella called Tater that drinks with a boy named Clyde who gets his shine from this boy named Bubba that sawed one with his own good eye hisself, and he's a Clemson graduate and knows for a fact that this is the BCS summer and that Clemson is a basketball school.
    Bless yer heart keep on believing and one day you will be right, Clemson will be great and they will change the spelling of turd to terd sure enough.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Sumter, South Carolina


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Originally posted by Greenbean:
    I broke the cardinal rule and posted without reading all the responses.......sorry about that.....but the fact remains the same......Anybody who says he is a sportsman, is open to anything.................shame on all those who say otherwise.......I've killed dogs, deer, ducks, doves, quail, squirrel, crows, and men - so fuck you if you think anything fucking else.....I've killed either to hunt or to protect my life or the lives of can dance around all you want, pretend to be hard, but the bottom line is you have never stepped into my shoes and thankfully, never will. So, continue to belittle my uncles, my cousins, whatever - I believe them over your sorry ass any day...........they killed bobcats, black cougars, black bears, etc., etc., because they were a problemm to the farm and not tolerated much like ONLY a select few men are PISSED OFF about a few select men trying our GREAT COUNTRY......And YES there is a total and COMPLETE difference between men - there are still the men who fight and then the men who bitch.....KEEP BITCHING YOU FUCKING PUSSIES!!!! Otherwise, join the forces and do your part. I am not impressed, you talk and then get in your fucking suburban, or yukon, or lexus, or whatever and you're a pussy bcause you believe in politics - read history, dumbass - politics don't cut of action are what this country are made of......join the crowd and's typical, and i's SAFE - FAGGOTTS!!!!!!!!!
    WOW!!! I think I just got a little misty.. [img]graemlins/jmo.gif[/img]
    ----------------------------------<br />I\'m getting worser!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    read it again, but think of the national anthem playing in the background. it can be quite moving....
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in a van down by the river


    I am still pissed he didnt spell my name correctly.
    Conservation Permit Holder #2765

    Retired Porn Star

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sumter, South Carolina


    All those potential signature lines...

    Not to mention the computer product concepts that comes to mind.


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