You've shared a fantastic story about building your own chainsaw, and it sounds like it was a rewarding experience for you. Here's a simplified version:
You wanted a bigger chainsaw for fun, not for professional use, but the cost of professional models was too high.
You found Holzfforma chainsaw kits, which were more affordable, and decided to build the 372xp kit yourself to save money and learn something new.
Building your own chainsaw allowed you to use OEM parts for repairs if needed in the future.
The building process took a few hours with the help of a YouTube video. The hardest parts were compressing the chain brake springs and identifying bolts. You also had to perform a "base gasket delete" due to a measurement issue.
After finishing the build, you were impressed with the chainsaw's performance, but you're unsure about its long-term durability due to limited use so far.
You mentioned a missing O-ring and recommended specific tools for future builders.
Overall, it was a successful and rewarding experience for you, saving money, gaining knowledge, and ending up with a powerful tool for your farm.