View Poll Results: Abortion. Where do you land?

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  • Abortion is murder

    57 31.15%
  • Women should have the right to choose

    34 18.58%
  • Abortion should only be allowed in medical or criminal cases

    92 50.27%
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Thread: Abortion. Where do you fall?

  1. #381
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by USMCsilver View Post
    A cooking ball of cells vs. an actual living, breathing being.

    Sent from my S9+ using Tapatalk
    Aren't we all just a cooking ball of cells?

  2. #382
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Moonlight Hunter View Post
    Hate y'all are going through that, and I hope we never have to. I can't imagine what it must feel like to face those ethical dilemmas.

    I guess I could nit-pick some of your response here and there, but you've made your point very clear, and I respect your opinion. I don't know anything about IVF, but it's certainly an interesting topic to discuss. I hope y'all get what you want very soon, I can't imagine it's easy or cheap going through it.
    I’m not gone get off topic but it’s hell. A roller coaster of emotions but totally worth it and I will leave it at that.

  3. #383
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Camden, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Moonlight Hunter View Post
    Aren't we all just a cooking ball of cells?
    Nope. Pretty sure I am a breathing person.

    Or, yup. I'm cooking. I'll be considered "over-done" upon death.

    I'll stick to apples and oranges.

    Sent from my S9+ using Tapatalk

  4. #384
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by USMCsilver View Post
    Nope. Pretty sure I am a breathing person.

    Or, yup. I'm cooking. I'll be considered "over-done" upon death.

    I'll stick to apples and oranges.

    Sent from my S9+ using Tapatalk

  5. #385
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Under the Roost


    I have been dealing with 2 foster kids on my sons football team. I fail to see the stereotypes you have posted here, in fact they are out of the whole group the best mannered and seemingly great-full of the whole team, I get what you’re saying for the most part, don’t waste oxygen on humans that may not make it........but I just think that’s a pure-t shitty outlook to have on life,especially someone that’s a parent that has children and see just how wonderful they can be, and not jus wonderful as themselves, but for you.

    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee

  6. #386
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    I have followed and read all the post in this thread, but have refrained from commenting up to this point. Perspective rules each and every one of us. Each and every one of us is confident that "our" opinion is correct. But as my dad has always said, "Opinions are just like assholes, everyone has one, but just about all of them smell like shit."

    I believe life is precious, and the life of a child is the most precious thing on earth. My wife and I learned this through our own trials and tribulations. Six months after our wedding, she had a cyst removed. It wreaked havoc on her reproductive organs. The doctor told us that she wouldn't go so far as to say that my wife would never be able to get pregnant, but the odds were stacked against us. We both shed our share of tears, but knew that God's will would be done, whether it be us having a child on our own, or looking at other alternatives. Finally, after a few years, it happened. She was pregnant. And her doctor called it the miracle baby. The joy we felt was unimaginable and intoxicating. The excitement that filled our lives at that time can never be truly expressed in words. But, it was short lived. I can still remember where I was, and what I was doing when she called me. I stepped out of a meeting to answer her call, and fell to my knees from the sound of her sobbing coming through the phone. I knew what was wrong, without her even being able to say a word. But, after a while, we had the same joy come over us again. But this was no walk in the park either. It was a bumpy pregnancy, to say the least. She still has no clue how close she came to leaving us. She started hemorrhaging, and her BP dropped to 50/30. Needless to say, she was rushed to the O.R. for an emergency c-section, and everything worked out. We also lost another a couple years later, but about 3.5 years later, we had number 2 to take home.

    Now, for my opinion. I disagree with abortion, but feel there are times that it can be "tolerated/acceptable" for certain situations. If a woman's life is in imminent danger, I feel she should have the right to terminate. But it should be her choice. The post by JAB about the young lady is heart wrenching, but also full of joy. It shows the true meaning of enduring and unrestrained love. A love that this world has not experienced since our Savior died for a bunch of heathens like us. The child that she sacrificed her life for is proof that love will always prevail.

    The next scenario is in the case of rape. Again, I am not saying that it should be done, but I can not say that a woman should be made to carry a child to term in the event of rape. This is really the tough for me, but it is my belief. I will reference Glenn's post about the young lady in the pageant that was born because of a rape. She also is proof of the enduring power of love. The reason that this is the hardest of the two for me, is I was adopted. I am the result of a possible unwanted pregnancy. How the pregnancy came about, I have no clue. I could've been the result of a young girl getting pregnant. I could've been the result of adultery. I could've been the result of rape. The files are sealed, and I am the only one that could ever have them opened. Neither my mom or dad, nor the person that gave birth to me can ever have them opened. Had it been legal back then, I may not be here. But I still feel that it is their choice, and their burden to bear. What ever the choice they make, they are the one that has to live with it, and answer for it, if the wrong choice is made.

    The greatest thing we can do for anyone that is faced with this type of choice, is pray for them.
    Last edited by fuzzy; 09-07-2018 at 07:45 PM. Reason: Fat thumbs
    The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is,
    as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #387
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Thanks for sharing Fuzzy, banded_mallard, Rebelyeller, and everyone else who has dealt with this personally. Your testimonies do more than any one of us who don't get it could ever do.

    To all those who have been down this road and haven't shared, there are people thinking about and loving you.

    I guess it all hit home for me when our youth group visited Epworth a couple times a year. I always liked going, but never enjoyed it because of how guilty and undeserving I felt. The kids who live there TRULY appreciate anything and everything you can offer them. Hanging out and chatting like normal, playing pickup basketball, cooking dinner. It all matters to them. I felt unqualified of all of the thanks they displayed towards us, when at the end of the night we all got to go home to our families and lead carefree lives. These are the kids and young adults who aren't wanted, have no one to take them in, and have experienced the worse that life has to offer. But you would never know it by their attitude. We took our middle school boys basketball team to the juvenile detention center last year to play the team there. I didn't know what to expect bringing a bunch of middle to upper-class white kids over there. But those kids who were incarcerated there were outstanding, and the coaches and mentors who volunteer with them were even better. True role models.

    I guess my point is, get off the bench. Get out of the corner and do something. Evil will always be here. There is nothing we can do to stop it. All we can do is help as many people along the way as we can. If you feel like you can't do it, or there is no way it would ever work, put your faith in something bigger than yourself. Ask for help, and actively seek it out. If all else fails, you've kept yourself alive up to this point, you can do the same for someone else.

  8. #388
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by USMCsilver View Post
    Oh, and one last thing - I am saved. I grew up in Sunday school, , church, VBS, mission trips across the world, and all sorts of other religious affiliated events.

    I can believe in being pro-choice, just as easily as other folks can support the death penalty, assisted suicide, etc.

    However, thank you for your concern, Brother.

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    I absolutely am not questioning your salvation, but merely using your post as an example. Your salvation is between you and the Lord, not you and man.

    Going to Sunday school and church, joining a church, getting baptised, going to vbs, going on mission trips,..... does not mean that one is saved and will be granted eternal life. There are some that do everything you have said, but will spend eternity in hell, but also others that will never do any of those things yet be granted admission to heaven. They key is to truly accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. The most vile of mankind can ask for forgiveness, and truly accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior just moments before their death, and be granted admission to heaven.
    The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is,
    as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #389
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    I laughed all week with these idiotic women screaming that if BK is confirmed to the supreme court women will be dying in the streets.

    Never mind all the babies that have been dying since that case was promulgated on the US population called Roe v Wade.

    The most dangerous place to be in America is in the womb.

    This is nothing more than sacrifice. Many will not even realize what they are doing. They will say it is a convenience thing or its there life. The drone woman yelling about its their bodies is no different than the priest beating the drums to drone out the screams of the babies as they fed the babies to Moloch.

    If you don't think that ball of tissue as some of you have referred to it isn't a child your a fool. Science has already proven the moment that sperm enters the egg there is literally a "divine spark" light is emitted. It is the spirit of that person entering those cells.

    If your wife is prego they have all sorts of apps and what not that shows you how big your baby is even at 1-2 weeks. It compares the baby to fruit or a vegetable and explains what part of the child is growing that week. It shows you what it would look like if you had a ultrasound.

    If you have ever tried to get pregnant the woman is always super excited when she finds out she is. She is off to the Dr. At 5.5 weeks the last time I went with my wife we had a heart beat and there was no doubts what we were looking at on the ultra sound was a human. A small human but a human.

    Do you think because we wanted that baby it is some how difference than the woman who got prego "accidentally" no they are the same and are a human.

    We lost that baby it was tragic for us.

    Its actually the main reason you all haven't had to listen to me rant for 8 months.

    But no baby should be passed through the fires of Moloch for the convenience of society.

    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  10. #390
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Silent weapon picked a heck of a thread to show back up on
    Houndsmen are born, not made

    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    I knew it wasn't real because no dogbox...

  11. #391
    Join Date
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    united states of america


    Sorry bout y'all a loss sw

  12. #392
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Thanks man.

    It really effected us a lot more than I can express. We were 13.5 weeks along and everything looked good, and then it was gone.

    I didn't feel like talking with anyone for almost 2 months.

    Thanks to some great friends that are on here they helped me and my wife through it all.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot


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