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Thread: Latest School Shooter Another Anti-Gun Leftist

  1. #1
    Mergie Master's Avatar
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    Default Latest School Shooter Another Anti-Gun Leftist

    As have been all of these shooters, including the guy who shot the Congress woman.

    Arapahoe High School shooter Karl Halverson Pierson – leftist strongly for gun control

    Karl Halverson Pierson was a far left progressive who mocked Republicans on his Facebook page and was against gun rights for legal owners. Isn’t that amazing, that a left wing nut job, against gun rights for legal owners is responsible for the Arapahoe High School shooting today. He is now dead, and there is reportedly one person in critical condition. Leftist hypocrites like Karl Halverson Pierson never cease to amaze. The corrupt media such as NBC mentions that Pierson had strong political views. He was a big fan of socialism, but that was scrubbed from the original Denver Post story. If you want to read about Pierson’s love for socialism, you need to read about it in an Australian news paper as NO American media outlet reports on this inconvenient fact. The Denver Post which originally reported on his love for socialism changed the wording to ‘Keynesian.’
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    Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with the gunman, described him as a very opinionated Socialist.
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    NBC quotes the DP article with only this:

    Arapahoe High School shooter Karl Halverson Pierson –
    leftist who was AGAINST gun rights

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    “He had very strong beliefs about gun laws and stuff. I also heard he was bullied a lot.”
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    At first glance, you might assume that Pierson was a strong advocate of gun rights, not gun control. But if you read the entire Denver Post article about Karl Pierson and his ‘strong’ political opinions, you will learn the real story:
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    Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing “you republicans are so cute” and posting an image that reads: “The Republican Party: Health Care: Let ‘em Die, Climate Change: Let ‘em Die, Gun Violence: Let ‘em Die, Women’s Rights: Let ‘em Die, More War: Let ‘em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?”
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    Almost sounds like Alan Grayson. I’m sure Pierson was a big fan of his. So Karl Pierson was a big progressive liberal and if he could vote would mostly likely be registered as a Democrat. Now the media can drop this story like a hot potato because yet again Pierson doesn’t fit the narrative for them. They want Karl Pierson to be some sort of conservative kid who had racist views, and loved his parents guns. Sorry NBC and the rest of you media hacks, you lose again. He is one of your own.

    One has to wonder why this nut was targeting a teacher in the first place. Could it be because the teacher had different political views than Pierson? You know how tolerant of opposing views these militant progressive liberals are. This really has to sting the progressive liberal Democrats who immediate determined that Pierson was a member of the Tea Party, the GOP and NRA earlier. I guess Brian Ross wouldn’t have to Google Karl Halverson Pierson.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #2
    Mergie Master's Avatar
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    I've been trying to tell people, liberals have a mental problem. They can't grasp reality because mentally they never grow up. Just like a child they still make judgements using emotions instead of logic. It's a lack of maturing problem. That's why so many women are liberal too. A prominent psychiatrist wrote a book about it and said the same thing, liberals have a mental problem.

    That's why Winston Churchill said:

    "If you aren't a liberal when you are young, you have no heart. If you
    aren't a conservative when you grow up, you have no brain."
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mergie Master View Post

    That's why Winston Churchill said:

    "If you aren't a liberal when you are young, you have no heart. If you
    aren't a conservative when you grow up, you have no brain."
    I'm pretty sure Winston Churchill never said that.
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    I guess I don't have a heart
    Last edited by smitch320; 12-14-2013 at 10:53 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chessbay View Post
    Literally translated to, "I smell like Scotch and Kodiak".
    "Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees"- Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

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    One less vote for Hillary.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobetter View Post
    I'm pretty sure Winston Churchill never said that.
    Maybe I should have said, "I paraphrase". That said, I have no idea if he said it or not, I wasn't there. But it has been attributed to him (see below) which is really all I have to go on. I sure as heck ain't going to dig around to see if that's correct cause whether he said it or not it's true. Also if you'll notice "Liberal" and "Conservative" in the quote is capitalized. Churchill was from England, in the English Parliament there is a Liberal and a Conservative Party.

    Quotes tagged as "liberal":
    “Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.” ― Winston Churchill
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

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    I think that quote is falsely attributed to Churchhill, in any of its forms. Churchill was a Conservative at 20 and a Liberal at 35.
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    The truth is a lie that will get you killed.

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