Thought I would toss this out to any who would like to participate. Those who CrossFit or are familiar with it in some way may have heard of the 100 burpee challenge. Screw that. I hate burpees.

So that being said I came up with this one based on the same format. A 3 x 100 challenge. Skills/movements being something everyone has and can do at home. No gym required; Push ups, Sit ups and air squats.

Here's how it will work. On day one you will do one rep of each of the movements. So you will do one push up, one sit up and one air squat. On day two you will do two of each. Day 3 you do three reps each and so on till the 100th day where you will do 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 air squats.

Rules are as follows.

1) Honor system applies obviously. If you want to post 100 videos of you doing this shit then go ahead but we will all take your word for it. Same applies to range of motion and I'll go over that here in a bit. But you know what full range of motion is because it's harder than shorting it. Make 'em count.

2) Any reps performed during WODs or your normal work outs count towards your daily totals.

3) All reps do not have to be consecutive and can be partitioned. For example when you get to day 50 you can do five sets of 10 of each movement or you can do 25 of each in the morning and the rest in the evening. You have 24 hours to get 'em done.

We start on 01 Jan 14 at 0000 and end on 10 April 14

Who's in? Post it up.